PUSH Working only after reloading page

UI Components for JSF
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Joined: 29 Jan 2015, 12:21

29 Jan 2015, 12:52

Hello everyone,
i am very new to JSF and Primefaces and tried to get PUSH working correctly.

The strange thing is, after i deploy the application and i test the push service, the socket endpoint doesn't get opened. When i reload the page the connection is opened. After that everything works as expected.

In essence:
The first connect after deploy fails, after that everything works fine.

I tried Firefox and Chromium but the error is the same.

The following are the console outputs of FF and Chromium

FF says:
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at ws://localhost:8080/MyApp/primepush/VgcBfy?X-Atmosphere-tracking-id=0&X-Atmosphere-Framework=2.2.4-javascript&X-Atmosphere-Transport=websocket&X-Atmosphere-TrackMessageSize=true&X-atmo-protocol=true
GET http://localhost:8080MyApp/primepush/VgcBfy [HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented 3ms]
no element found VgcBfy:1
"Websocket failed. Downgrading to Comet and resending" push.js:1
GET http://localhost:8080/MyApp/primepush/VgcBfy [HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented 4ms]
no element found

The endpoint is randomly generated, but using a fixed endpoint doesn't help, the error persists.

My xhtml looks like:

Code: Select all

        <c:set value="#{util.random}" target="#{viewb}" property="random"/>
        <p:growl widgetVar="growl" showDetail="true" />
        <h:form id="form">
            <p:commandButton actionListener="#{fire.send(viewb.random)}" value="fire event"/>
        <p:socket id="mysocket" onMessage="handleMessage" transport="websocket" channel="#{viewb.random}" widgetVar='mysocket' autoConnect="true"/>
        <script type="text/javascript">

            function handleMessage(data) {
                try {
                    //console.log("handler: " + data["hall"]);
                     PF('growl').renderMessage({"summary":"Data received!",
                catch (err) {

The "fire"-Bean:

Code: Select all

public class Fire {
    public void changedEntry() {
    public void send(String channel) {
        System.out.println("[Fire]sending to "+channel);
        EventBus eventBus = EventBusFactory.getDefault().eventBus();
        T t = new T();
        eventBus.publish(channel, t);
My endpoint:

Code: Select all

public class Updater {
    EventBus eventBus;
    String random;
    public void onOpen(RemoteEndpoint r, EventBus e) {
        System.out.println("[Updater] opened "+random);
        this.eventBus = e;
    public void onMessage(T message){
        System.out.println("[Updater-"+random+"] got message: "+message);
        Gson g = new Gson();
        String mmessage = g.toJson(message);
        eventBus.publish("/"+random, mmessage);

    public void onClose(RemoteEndpoint r, EventBus e) {
        System.out.println(random+" closed");
I am using Glassfish 4.1, Primefaces 5.1 and atmosphere-runtime 2.2.4.

I hope someone can point me in the right direction. My guess is, i am missing some small detail, as only the first connection after deploy fails.


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