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FlexGrid vs. Component UI-grid

Posted: 25 Jun 2020, 11:53
by tkernstock

I integrated pandora in my project but I'm wondering how I could combine the ui-grid and ui-g-... with the Flexgridbased theme.
Looking at the empty.xhtml I find:

Code: Select all

 <ui:define name="content">
        <div class="ui-g">
            <div class="ui-g-12">
                <div class="card">
Checking out the forms.xhtml I find a combination of flexgrid with ui-fluid ->

Code: Select all

<ui:define name="content">    
        <div class="p-grid ui-fluid">
            <div class="p-col-12 p-lg-6">
                <div class="p-grid">
                    <div class="p-col-12">
                        <div class="card card-w-title">
What should I prefer?
What is the advantage or disadvantage of both?
Can I combine these two or would that create a mess?
Is ui-g-12 exchangeblae with p-col-12?

best reagds

Re: FlexGrid vs. Component UI-grid

Posted: 26 Jun 2020, 15:42
by atakantepe

Ui-g is deprecated in favor of PrimeFlex, please use PrimeFlex.
Yes, ui-g-12 is exchangeable with p-col-12.

Best regards,
Atakan Tepe

Re: FlexGrid vs. Component UI-grid

Posted: 30 Jun 2020, 12:08
by tkernstock

thanx for the clarification. Maybe you'd like to change the "empty page" example in pandora which still uses ui-g.


Re: FlexGrid vs. Component UI-grid

Posted: 03 Jul 2020, 04:48
by atakantepe
Of course, we will be updating our themes shortly. Thank you for letting us know.
Best Regards,
Atakan Tepe