Add/Remove tab dynamically on TabView ?

UI Components for JSF
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Posts: 3
Joined: 15 Dec 2009, 15:54

05 Jan 2010, 19:21

Dear all,

Could you tell me if we can implement a tabview with dynamic tabs ?
I.e. the user pass a list of Tab to the TabView, and the tabs are added dynamically on the tabview?

Also, a button like on firefox to close a tab should be very useful.

Thank you for your help.

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Joined: 05 Jan 2009, 00:21
Location: Cybertron

07 Jan 2010, 14:55

Hi Mohamed,

You can try c:forEach or component binding to implement dynamic tabs I guess.

c:forEach could do it, if not let us know.

We'll consider the firefox like tab closing for a future release, thanks for the feedback. There's a client side api to hide a tab so it could be easy to come up with a UI to trigger it.

Posts: 3
Joined: 15 Dec 2009, 15:54

07 Jan 2010, 17:44

Thank you Cagatay for your answer.

I think I will use the "forEach" solution because I have <ui:include> on each tab.
Each tab should include a jspx page.
My problem is that I have two types of tab: "closable tab" and "no closable tab".
I need to have a tabchangelistener to know if the selected tab is a closable tab or not.
but I don't know how to implement the listener.

Do you have any idea?

Another feedback: I think it would be really useful to have for each ui primefaces component an attribut "styleClass". With that, we can modify easily the look and feel of our web app.

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Joined: 05 Jan 2009, 00:21
Location: Cybertron

08 Jan 2010, 18:02

Maybe creating tabs with conditional rendered attribute could help like <p:tab rendered="#{a.b}" />. So when you update the whole tabview with ajax visible tabs would be different however I think there'll be a noticable ui lag in this case.

Another way is writing some javascript, as I've mentioned there's client side api to add and remove tabs which we haven't utilizied yet. See: ... bView.html ... t.Tab.html

There're useful client side apis like removeTab, addTab, contentVisible that you can use.

Hope this helps;

We aim to make implementing this easier in a future release soon.

Posts: 35
Joined: 31 Jan 2011, 23:55

14 Feb 2011, 13:49

Do we have tab close funtion in primefaces v2.2?

Posts: 26
Joined: 15 Nov 2010, 20:09
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

26 Apr 2011, 22:07

I have this solution

Code: Select all

public class CreatePOController extends BaseController {
	TabView tabView;
	public CreatePOController(){
	private void init(){
		tabView = new TabView();
		Tab tab1 = new Tab();
		tab1.setTitle("by Min.Stock");

		Tab tab2 = new Tab();
		tab2.setTitle("by SO");


	 * @return the tabView
	public TabView getTabView() {
		return tabView;

	 * @param tabView the tabView to set
	public void setTabView(TabView tabView) {
		this.tabView = tabView;
the tabView is binded to backing bean as well. make sure every ID is unique (because in tree component generation will check for uniqueness)

Code: Select all

<p:tabView id="task_tab" binding="#{createPOController.tabView}"
Well i get the result, so I can add any tabs using code dynamically.
but the problem is there is one line missing

Code: Select all

		<script type="text/javascript"
In the generate html, in the head section i find no kind of this script. So now I must add by myself.
Anyone can better solution for this? I suppose the script should auto added. But how to implement it.


Primefaces version: 3.0.M1
Mojarra 2.0.4
I like to explore new things. There's a way for everything. I believe.

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