javascript to show contents of inplace component

UI Components for JSF
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Posts: 15
Joined: 02 Feb 2010, 22:33
Location: Austin, TX

11 Feb 2010, 19:12

Is there a way to dynamically show the contents of an inplace component?

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<h:form id="form">
  <p:inplace id="myInplace" widgetVar="inplacePhone">
    <h:inputText value="#{}">
      <rc:convertPhone/> <!-- my custom converter -->
If #{} is empty string, there is nothing for the user to click on to get to the inplace content. I could use the label attribute of the inplace component, but when is not null, the custom converter is not used. My initial thought was that I could use an optionally rendered outputLink that could execute some sort of click() or show() method on the inplace component, but I could not get this to work.

After examining the javascript (source) that shows/hides the inplace component, it looks like I could construct some javascript that uses jQuery(contentId).show(), but this seems brittle and the wrong way to go.

Can anyone think of a good solution to this?

Posts: 15
Joined: 02 Feb 2010, 22:33
Location: Austin, TX

11 Feb 2010, 19:36

One silly solution that gives me the behaviour I want, is to have 2 inplace components. Each optionally rendered based on #{} being empty or not.

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<h:form id="form">
  <p:inplace label="add" rendered="#{empty}">
    <h:inputText value="#{}">
      <rc:convertPhone/> <!-- my custom converter -->
  <p:inplace rendered="#{not empty}">
    <h:inputText value="#{}">
      <rc:convertPhone/> <!-- my custom converter -->
I will need several inplace components on my page, so this solution is not ideal. I would much rather have some javascript that could show the contents of the inplace component.


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12 Feb 2010, 00:18

How about the disabled attribute would that help? When inplace disabled is set to true, only display is shown not the content.

Code: Select all

<h:form id="form">
  <p:inplace label="#{empty ? 'Add' :}" disabled="#{not empty}">
    <h:inputText value="#{}">

Posts: 15
Joined: 02 Feb 2010, 22:33
Location: Austin, TX

12 Feb 2010, 15:59

Tried it, but I don't think that will work for me. I would like the field to be editable after the bean has data.

Another solution would be to have a value for the label attribute available in the backing bean. I could apply the conversion in the backing bean before the value goes out. This is not ideal, but gets the job done.


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