p:gmap update model and/or center

UI Components for JSF
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Joined: 16 May 2011, 00:48

18 Aug 2011, 17:17

Hi there,

I'm really stuck right now at a certain point with the gmap. Maybe someone of you had the same problem or knows a solution.

First of all I was wondering how to get the initial bounds of the map. When my application starts I want to load only the markers from db which are in the map. So I do not need to load all markers stored in the db. But I can only get the bounds from onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) in my backend and that is not fired in the beginning.

Next thing is, that I was wondering if it is possible to update the mapmodel somehow. I want to store a more complex Object to a marker including different texts and pictures. Now when adding it to the model I need to save it to the db aswell in the backend. But after storing it, how can I tell the map to update the model?

My last issue is about geolocating. When initially started I want the map to look for the users location and center itself at that point. I tried tutorials with following code. But the map simply does not react. May it be that the map is not loaded? I start my JS in the <h:body onload="geolocationLoad();"> tag. It finds my location currectly but does not alter the map. Here is my code.


Code: Select all

function geolocationLoad() {
	// Determine support for GeoLocation
	if (navigator.geolocation) {
		// Locate position
	} else {
		alert('It seems like Geolocation, which is required for this page, is not enabled in your browser. Please use a browser which supports it.');

// Success callback function
function geolocationDisplayPosition(pos) {
	var mylat = pos.coords.latitude;
	var mylong = pos.coords.longitude;
	var thediv = document.getElementById('locationinfo');
	thediv.innerHTML = '<p>Your longitude is :' + mylong
			+ ' and your latitide is ' + mylat + '</p>';

	// Add marker
	var myLocation = new google.maps.Marker({
		position : pos,
		map : map,
		title : "You are here"
	// set new center of map
	map.setCenter(new GLatLng(mylat, mylong), 13);

// Error callback function
function geolocationErrorFunction(pos) {
	alert('Error in locating!' + pos);
Any help is highly appreciated! Thanks a lot in advance!


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