commandButton in dynamically loaded page

UI Components for JSF
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Posts: 10
Joined: 13 Sep 2011, 01:02

13 Sep 2011, 01:22


I'm trying to implement a template with ui: include
but when I include on my login page the CommandButton does not invoke the listener

the index.xhtml

<p:layout fullPage="true">

<p:layoutUnit position="top" height="100">
<ui:include src="#{PageDispatcher.headerPage}" />
<!-- <ui:include src="#{PageDispatcher.contentPage}"/>
<ui:include src="#{PageDispatcher.footerPage}"/>-->

<p:layoutUnit position="center" height="300" id="center">
<ui:include src="#{PageDispatcher.contentPage}"/>

<p:layoutUnit position="bottom" height="200">
<ui:include src="#{PageDispatcher.footerPage}" />


the contentPage = loginPage ...dynamically chosen


<h:form id="login">

<p:messages id="msgs" showDetail="true"/>

<h:panelGrid columns="2" cellpadding="5">

<h:outputLabel for="username" value="Username: *" />
<p:inputText value="#{loginBean.username}" id="username" required="true" label="username" />

<h:outputLabel for="password" value="Password: * " />
<h:inputSecret value="#{loginBean.password}" id="password" required="true" label="password" />

<f:facet name="footer">
<p:commandButton value="Login" update="msgs" actionListener="#{loginBean.login}" />



the MenagedBean LoginBean

public class LoginBean implements Serializable{

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private User user = null;

private String username;

private String password;

public String getUsername() {
return username;

public void setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;

public String getPassword() {
return password;

public void setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;

public void login(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();
FacesMessage msg = null;
boolean loggedIn = false;

LoginDao lDao = new LoginDao(SqlMapFactory.openSession());

user = lDao.getUser(this);

if(user != null ) {
loggedIn = true;
msg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "Welcome", username);

context.addCallbackParam("user", user);
} else {
loggedIn = false;
msg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_WARN, "Login Error", "Invalid credentials");
if (context!=null)
context.addCallbackParam("loggedIn", loggedIn);
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg);


if I look at the source of the page when I invoke the login page directly I agree that the action of the login form is actually the page itself, but if I look at the source of the page when the login page is dynamically included in the action of the form login is the index page.

I read most of the posts in the forum but have not found a solution,

Can you help me please

Thanks in advance

Posts: 10
Joined: 13 Sep 2011, 01:02

13 Sep 2011, 01:25


I use the 2.2.1 version of Primefaces

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