Lightbox to include segment...

UI Components for JSF
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Joined: 29 Sep 2011, 18:14

13 Oct 2011, 20:46

I'm not quite sure how to describe what I'm doing so I'll include the code to help out:

Code: Select all

<p:lightBox height="650px" > 
	<h:outputLink value="#" title="Select Groups">
		<h:outputText value="Additional Options"/>
	<f:facet name="inline">
		<h:panelGrid columns="1" style="background-color:white;">
			<ui:include src="availableGroupsForPricing.xhtml">
What we're doing is basically using the lightbox as a "popup" for when the user wants to add additional options and presenting the selection "editor" in the lightbox.

The issue isn't that the "page" doesn't get displayed, the issue seems to be that the component thinks we're displaying an image. In fact, it thinks we're displaying 2 images, and puts up the "1 of 2" text at the top of the lightbox as well as the scolling arrows on the left and right sides of the lightbox.

What I need to know is, how to get rid of the "1 of 2" and the scrolling arrows. And yes, they do scroll - or seem to as the title text disappears when scrolled to "image 2" - which is the same page as "Image 1" is.

Any thoughts on what's going on? Since this is actually inside a form inside an accordion panel is this an issue?

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