Datatable multiple Preselection

UI Components for JSF
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Posts: 32
Joined: 28 Mar 2011, 15:21

10 Nov 2011, 20:34

Hello there,
I am a happy primefaces user.
i have few issues about datatable with nultiple selection.
Here is my code

Code: Select all

<p:outputPanel xmlns=""
	xmlns:p="" rendered="false"
		<h:panelGrid columns="3" width="100%">
			<h:outputText value="Module" />
			<h:selectOneMenu value="#{droitsFonctionBean.selectedModule}">
				<f:selectItem itemLabel="Choisir..." itemValue="" />
				<f:selectItems value="#{droitsFonctionBean.modules}" var="module"
					itemLabel="#{module.code}" itemValue="#{module.code}" />
				<p:ajax event="valueChange" process="@this" update="tbDroits"
		<p:dataTable value="#{droitsFonctionBean.droits}" var="droit"
			id="tbDroits" rowKey="#{droit.code}">
			<p:column selectionMode="multiple" />
			<p:column headerText="Fonctionnalite">
				<h:outputText value="#{droit.code}" />
			<f:facet name="footer">
				<p:commandButton value="Valider" image="ui-icon ui-icon-search"
					actionListener="#{droitsFonctionBean.validate}" update="tbDroits" process="tbDroits"/>

Code: Select all

package sn.pss.azur.common.referentiel.droits.controllers;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.ejb.EJB;
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedProperty;
import javax.faces.bean.RequestScoped;
import javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped;
import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
import javax.faces.model.ListDataModel;

import org.primefaces.context.RequestContext;
import org.primefaces.model.LazyDataModel;
import org.primefaces.model.SelectableDataModel;
import org.primefaces.model.SortOrder;
import org.primefaces.model.TreeNode;

import sn.pss.azur.common.authentification.entites.Affectation;
import sn.pss.azur.common.referentiel.droits.RightsServiceInterface;
import sn.pss.azur.common.referentiel.modules.entities.Fonctionnalite;
import sn.pss.azur.common.referentiel.modules.entities.Module;
import sn.pss.azur.common.uo.entites.UniteOrganisationnelle;
import sn.pss.azur.common.utilisateurs.entites.Fonction;

@ManagedBean(name = "droitsFonctionBean")
public class DroitsFonctionBean implements Serializable {
	DroitsSelectableDataModel droits;
	List<Module> modules;
	Fonction fonction;
	String selectedModule;
	Fonctionnalite[] selectedFonctionnalites;
	ModulesServiceInterface service;
	RightsServiceInterface rightsService;
	public Fonction getFonction() {
		return fonction;
	public void setFonction(Fonction fonction) {
		this.fonction = fonction;
	public List<Module> getModules() {
		return modules;
	public void setModules(List<Module> modules) {
		this.modules = modules;
	public String getSelectedModule() {
		return selectedModule;
	public void setSelectedModule(String selectedModule) {
		this.selectedModule = selectedModule;
	public DroitsSelectableDataModel getDroits() {
		return droits;
	public void setDroits(DroitsSelectableDataModel droits) {
		this.droits = droits;
	public Fonctionnalite[] getSelectedFonctionnalites() {
		System.out.println("getSelectedFonctionnalites "+selectedFonctionnalites.length);
		return selectedFonctionnalites;
	public void setSelectedFonctionnalites(
			Fonctionnalite[] selectedFonctionnalites) {
		System.out.println("setSelectedFonctionnalites "+selectedFonctionnalites.length);
		this.selectedFonctionnalites = selectedFonctionnalites;
	public void init()
		modules = service.findModules();
	public void onModelChange()
		List<Fonctionnalite> _droits = rightsService.findFonctionnalitessInModule(selectedModule);
		droits = new DroitsSelectableDataModel(_droits);
		List<Fonctionnalite> liste = rightsService.findDroitsFonction(fonction.getCode());
		selectedFonctionnalites = new Fonctionnalite[liste.size()];
	public void validate(ActionEvent event)
		System.out.println("validate "+selectedFonctionnalites.length);
		rightsService.setDroitsFonction(fonction.getCode(), selectedModule, Arrays.asList(selectedFonctionnalites));
	public class DroitsSelectableDataModel extends ListDataModel<Fonctionnalite> implements SelectableDataModel<Fonctionnalite>
		public DroitsSelectableDataModel(List<Fonctionnalite> list) {
			// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

		public Fonctionnalite getRowData(String key) {
			return rightsService.findFonctionnaliteByCode(key);

		public Object getRowKey(Fonctionnalite f) {
			// TODO Auto-generated method stub
			return f.getCode();
In the PostConstruct method of my backing bean, i calculate the pre selected items and it is rendered properly.
But when i update my selection and post the form, it doesn't consider the new selection and always consider the one i calculated in the postconstruct method.
It seems like the "apply Request Values" is not processed.
Why that ?
Thanks in advance
Primefaces 3.3 Jboss 7.1

Posts: 32
Joined: 28 Mar 2011, 15:21

11 Nov 2011, 12:45

Someone please answer me i am stuck.
The preselection is working fine but when i submit a new selection it is ignored.
Primefaces 3.3 Jboss 7.1

Posts: 18616
Joined: 05 Jan 2009, 00:21
Location: Cybertron

11 Nov 2011, 12:49

Try M4.

Posts: 32
Joined: 28 Mar 2011, 15:21

11 Nov 2011, 12:58

Sorry, i am using M4 i forgot to update my footer in the forum.
Primefaces 3.3 Jboss 7.1

Posts: 32
Joined: 28 Mar 2011, 15:21

11 Nov 2011, 20:54

Why my selected items aren't submitted ?
Help please
Primefaces 3.3 Jboss 7.1

Posts: 32
Joined: 28 Mar 2011, 15:21

13 Nov 2011, 20:42

Hi there,
I just tried the datatable multiple selection showcase in my environmemnt and it isn't working either.
I remember i had a datatable with single selection. I used the selection attribute to retrieve a selection after a select event but it didnt work i had to use selectEvent.getSource to retrieve the selected item.
It seems to be a bug in my environment may be mojarra ?
Help me please
Primefaces 3.3 Jboss 7.1

Posts: 32
Joined: 28 Mar 2011, 15:21

15 Nov 2011, 11:10

My guess is that there must be a bug in Glassfish because the primefaces example doesnt even work.
Help please.
Primefaces 3.3 Jboss 7.1

Posts: 32
Joined: 28 Mar 2011, 15:21

17 Nov 2011, 22:13

I've been struggling with the issue for days and thanks to the log component i saw the issue.
Indeed, my row key values contain the "_" character. When the datatable is posted, it doesnt post the entire value. Example, if the rowkey value is CREER_UTILISATEUR only CREER is posted what breaks the flow. If i update the value in the database to CREERUTILISATEUR everything works perfectly.
so it seems that there is an issue on the way rowkeys are posted.
Primefaces 3.3 Jboss 7.1

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