UI Components for JSF
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14 Feb 2013, 17:26

Due to the increasing popularity and use of PrimeFaces technology out there this forum is getting more and more members joining and asking questions.

This is a good thing and the existing members and expert members are more than glad to help where we can.

But you, as a new forum member, can do a lot to make helping you a lot easier and a more pleasant experience all round.

Please read the Forum Rules before you post.

Please read the Forum Rules again before you post.

I am getting to the point where badly formatted posts and posts with no indication of PrimeFaces Version etc will attract no attention from me any longer.

Do your own research before you ask a question. Use the Showcase and read the User Guide. Check out the PrimeFaces Cookbook project.

There are a lot of questions which are asked time and again and the answers tend to remain the same. Google is your friend!

Try it out before asking. Questions which begin with "Is it possible to..." mean you haven't and expect us to show you how before you expend any effort yourself. Free loading is not nice. By all means ask "Has anyone tried to do... or who can point me to where I can find out how".

We are not super heroes so please don't expect us to be able to read your mind when your latest PrimeFaces app fails badly but you supply neither code nor log snippets as evidence.

I know a lot of you are not native English speakers/writers and quite often posts from people who have weak English skills are hard to read.
This is not your fault!!!
Neither is it ours but we do try our best to understand what you are trying to say: please be patient with us and remember, code is like a picture and speaks a lot more clearly than google translator ever will. Our replies, if code is supplied, should also be easier to understand.

Because this is a PrimeFaces forum, questions asked which are not directly related or having nothing to do with PrimeFaces should be avoided.
This does not mean that questions like "What platforms/JEE stacks would you recommend for PrimeFaces UI based apps would you recommend" should not be asked. On the contrary, it is very relevant to the community as a whole and also gives Howard a chance to flex his geek in public!!

Lest I forget!!

Please read the Forum Rules before you post.

Please read the Forum Rules again before you post.

No, we are not here to earn your money for you: people should not expect a PRO standard of support from us and will not receive any. I have often said that only a discussion of suitable payment will get me to answer some questions. The threads tend to die rapidly after that. PRO is for companies/power users who need swift solutions. This forum is a place for us amateurs to flex our geek and embrace our inner nerd.

Thank You and Happy Posting.
PF 4.x (Elite versions), PF 5, Pf 5.1, PF 6.0
Glassfish 4.1, Mojarra 2.x, Java 8, Payara 4.1.1.
If you haven't read the forum rules read them now

Posts: 6144
Joined: 10 Sep 2011, 21:10

15 Feb 2013, 15:00

+1 great post, Andy!

PrimeFaces 6.0, Extensions 6.0.0, Push (Atmosphere 2.4.0)
TomEE+ 1.7.4 (Tomcat 7.0.68), MyFaces Core 2.2.9, JDK8
JUEL 2.2.7 | OmniFaces | EclipseLink-JPA/Derby | Chrome

Java EE 6 Tutorial|NetBeans|Google|Stackoverflow|PrimeFaces|Apache

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PrimeFaces Core Developer
Posts: 4345
Joined: 16 Oct 2011, 19:19
Location: Singapore

15 Feb 2013, 18:46

I suggested for this type of post long back (for new members).Finally Andy made it... :)

Sudheer Jonna

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