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Re: One click menu

Posted: 05 Aug 2023, 12:14
by tony.herstell
please can you post an example of the one click menu xhtml.
I cant get the sucker to work....

As an exmple I have this; so how do I make it once click as the .js update does not seem to do anything.

Code: Select all

<pa:tab icon="pi pi-fw pi-home" title="Home">
   <h:form id="menu-home-form">
      <pa:menu widgetVar="home">
         <p:menuitem id="om_home" value="Home" icon="pi pi-fw pi-home" outcome="/pages/home?faces-redirect=true" immediate="true"/>

Re: One click menu

Posted: 11 Aug 2023, 12:58
by mert.sincan

Don't worry! I'll add it to the next version.

Best Regards,