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Each user needs to change theme in session

Posted: 22 Jun 2023, 21:02
by lbordinhon
Hello Guys!
I'm using primefaces 12 and springboot 2.7

I made a bean (guestPreferences) to controller de themes to each user using scope session.

It's working when i set in menu theme config:

but i'm setting primefaces.THEME parameter in onStartup's springboot. So i update page and the theme of primefaces.THEME setted returns.
I searched and the context-param in web.xml don't works because springboot don't reads web.xml

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In onStartup the context is initialized and after don't can change the prameter.

Exists some primefaces configuration to set theme after context in initialized?


Re: Each user needs to change theme in session

Posted: 27 Jun 2023, 16:01
by olgubasak
Actually, I am not familiar with the usage of PrimeFaces and Spring Boot, but when I searched for a solution suggestion, you can try the following result:

1-Create a GuestPreferences bean to hold the theme preference for each user. Make sure it has a theme property that can be updated dynamically.

2-In your or application.yml file, configure the primefaces.THEME parameter to be dynamically linked with the guestPreferences.theme value.

-For, add the following line:

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-For application.yml, add the following configuration:

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  THEME: ${guestPreferences.theme}
By using ${guestPreferences.theme}, the primefaces.THEME parameter will be associated with the value of guestPreferences.theme and updated accordingly.

3-Ensure that your GuestPreferences bean is properly managed by Spring and available for injection.

4-When your Spring Boot application starts or refreshes, Spring Boot will read the primefaces.THEME parameter from the configuration file and link it with the guestPreferences.theme property.

This allows you to update the theme property of the GuestPreferences bean dynamically, and PrimeFaces will automatically use the updated theme value.

To summarize, the correct approach is to configure the primefaces.THEME parameter in your or application.yml file and link it with the guestPreferences.theme value. This leverages Spring Boot's configuration mechanism to update the PrimeFaces theme dynamically.

I hope it helps.
Best Regards