Usage of submenu / menuitem in main menu

Posts: 10
Joined: 04 Apr 2016, 04:03

27 Aug 2016, 07:11

I'm really glad that I was wrong. Thanks @aragon, I'll test it asap.

Best regards.

:D :D

Posts: 7
Joined: 09 Jun 2016, 18:04

29 Aug 2016, 08:27


thanks for patch! I've got it working, but not so simple. Maybe I was doing something wrong.

At first I just added olympos-customMenu-1.0.jar to my lib next to olympos-theme-1.1.2.jar. When running app I was getting:
java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to org.primefaces.olympos.component.menu2.OlymposMenu

So I have to remove olympos-theme-1.1.2.jar but than I was missing some resources like theme.css, etc.
Later I copied resources out of olympos-theme-1.1.2.jar and leave olympos-customMenu-1.0.jar in libs, that was the winning combination for me at this moment.

Best, DD

Posts: 7
Joined: 09 Jun 2016, 18:04

29 Aug 2016, 11:00


well I have found a problem possibly a bug. I will try to write it down clearly.

My menu definition is like this:

Code: Select all

<po:tabmenu widgetVar="OlymposMenu">

		<po:menu id="menu1"  title="Olympos Main Menu" icon="icon-speedometer33">

                <p:submenu id="om_dashboards" label="DASHBOARD">
                    <p:menuitem id="om_db_landing" value="Your Promotion Page" icon="icon-planet23"  url="/views/empty-page.xhtml"/>

                <p:submenu id="om_menuoptcolor" label="MENU AND COLOR OPTIONS">
                    <p:menuitem id="om_def"  value="Default Menu Option" icon="icon-list3" url="/views/empty-page.xhtml"/>
                    <p:submenu id="om_colors" label="Color Options" icon="icon-blood10">
                        <p:menuitem id="om_bg_blue"  value="Blue Color" icon="icon-chemistry10"  url="/views/empty-page.xhtml"/>
                        <p:menuitem id="om_bg_navy" value="Navy Color" icon="icon-chemistry10" url="/404.xhtml"/>

                    <p:submenu id="om_colors2" label="Color Options 2" icon="icon-blood10">
                        <p:menuitem id="om_bg_blue2"  value="Blue Color" icon="icon-chemistry10"  url="/404.xhtml"/>
                        <p:menuitem id="om_bg_navy2" value="Navy Color" icon="icon-chemistry10" url="/views/empty-page.xhtml"/>

                <p:submenu id="om_theme" label="OLYMPOS THEME">
                    <p:menuitem id="om_sample" value="Sample Page" icon="icon-document126"  url="/views/empty-page.xhtml" />
General problem is:
When I click on some menuitem, all the submenu items become none expandable.

Test example:
I can expand all submenu items as long as I don't click on some menuitem. From that point on all subitem cannot be expanded anymore.


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Joined: 29 Jun 2013, 12:38

29 Aug 2016, 14:27

Thanks for the sample. I'll check and get back to you.

Posts: 7
Joined: 09 Jun 2016, 18:04

30 Aug 2016, 15:32

One another thing to check.

If you have many menu items with same link but different parameters, highlighting does not work correctly.


No matter which menu item is clicked, first one is always highlighted.

Posts: 5
Joined: 17 Mar 2016, 14:06

01 Sep 2016, 20:17

Does anyone know how to solve?
I'm using version 1.1.2.

java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to org.primefaces.olympos.component.menu2.OlymposMenu

Posts: 2
Joined: 18 Aug 2016, 00:37

10 Sep 2016, 12:13


I have the class cast issue, is there a way to resolve this?
Will the po:tabMenu component be rolled into olympus jar in the future?


Posts: 79
Joined: 03 Mar 2016, 07:26

19 Sep 2016, 02:08

This is a major problem... I need the sub menu as I ahve forms in there. same issue with active tab not working, it is just stuck on the default, Is this going to get fixed? if so ... When?? bought the theme, worked great with the first version, upgraded to the latest and now stuck

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Location: Brazil

29 Sep 2016, 19:41

+1 to add the feature to Olympus
Walter Mourão

Posts: 79
Joined: 03 Mar 2016, 07:26

30 Sep 2016, 05:04

I have upgraded to 0.3 and I am still seeing the menu problem, where no submenus will load, just stuck on the default dashboard, I found a way to make it work, but it is not at all ideal, as it involves some hacking and bad practices

I am using this in an angular 2 app


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