how to break lines on \n in the text when using <card>

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Posts: 4
Joined: 19 Apr 2023, 15:29

01 Jun 2023, 17:50


I'm using <card> inside timeline component to display content.

Here is the code:

<Card /* title={item.status} subTitle={} */>
{item.image && <img src={`assets/demo/images/product/${item.image}`} onError={(e) => ( = ' ... holder.png')} alt={} width={200} className="shadow-2 mb-3" />}

The {item.text} comes with \n. How to break lines on \n in <Card> component to allow multiple lines to be displayed?


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Joined: 05 Jan 2009, 00:21
Location: Cybertron

05 Sep 2023, 20:21

This is more like a React issue rather than a Babylon issue but one alternative is creating a list by parsing the \n characters and using map() to generate paragraph elements so you need to convert new lines to block level text elements like paragraphs.

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