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Autocomplete Ajax itemUnselect is not working in Pandora 2.0.0 with PFX

Posted: 26 Aug 2021, 20:46
by koichokor
We implemented an Autocomplete element with itemSelect and itemUnselect Ajax events to save the actions. The Ajax itemSelect handling event works. But when clicking on the 'X' icon to remove/unselect an item, the following error showed up in Firefox Console:

Code: Select all

components.js.xhtml?ln=primefaces&v=10.0.4&e=10.0.4:formatted:1324 Uncaught TypeError: c.attr is not a function
    at c.removeItem (components.js.xhtml?ln=primefaces&v=10.0.4&e=10.0.4:formatted:1324)
    at HTMLSpanElement.<anonymous> (layout.js.xhtml?ln=pandora ...

Code: Select all

 removeItem: function(c) {
        var d = this
          , e = "";
        if (d.input.hasClass("ui-state-disabled")) {
        if (typeof c === "string" || c instanceof String) {
            e = c
        } else {
            e = c.attr("data-token-value") // Error at this line
When i remove this part of layout.js (shipped with the theme) is work as expected :

Code: Select all

if(PrimeFaces.widget.AutoComplete) {
    PrimeFaces.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.setupMultipleMode = function() {
        var $this = this;
        this.multiItemContainer = this.jq.children('ul');
        this.inputContainer = this.multiItemContainer.children('.ui-autocomplete-input-token');

        this.multiItemContainer.hover(function() {
            function() {
        ).click(function() {

        //delegate events to container
        this.input.focus(function() {
        }).blur(function(e) {
            setTimeout(function() {
                if($this.hinput.children().length == 0 && !$this.multiItemContainer.hasClass('ui-state-focus')) {
            }, 150); 

        var closeSelector = '> li.ui-autocomplete-token > .ui-autocomplete-token-icon';'click', closeSelector).on('click', closeSelector, null, function(event) {
            if($this.multiItemContainer.children('li.ui-autocomplete-token').length === $this.cfg.selectLimit) {
                if(PrimeFaces.isIE(8)) {
                $this.input.css('display', 'inline');
            $this.removeItem(event, $(this).parent());
Same problem in this post : viewtopic.php?p=193634#p193634

PF Version : 10.0.4 (Elite subscription)
Theme : Pandora (2.0.0)

Re: Autocomplete Ajax itemUnselect is not working in Pandora 2.0.0 with PFX

Posted: 27 Aug 2021, 09:01
by siris

Yes, there is such a code to support some features in previous versions. I think it conflicts on PrimeFaces 10. In the new version we will add version if controller or remove this code. I'm glad your issue was resolved.

Best Regards,