Best practices for importing template to existing project

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Posts: 9
Joined: 15 Sep 2014, 12:24

25 Feb 2021, 23:14

What is the best way how to introduce PrimeTek commercial templates (Diamond) to existing project? I followed documentation and for now (in clean project) I'm satisfied. So let me share my steps here.

The most important for me is to have as less as possible work & issues in the future, when new version of Diamond will be released by PrimeTek. Secondly I don't want to import any demo/showcase/landing/etc. pages that are in downloaded template (primeng-diamond-11.0.0'). I would like to copy to my project just stuff that is really needed. And Diamond project I'll use "just" as reference and live documentation.

My goal is to use Diamond template and do just few changes like primary, secondary color, logo, border-radius (but maybe more in the future). But I prefer to do it on one/two places, using the constant as mentioned in Diamond doc part: A custom theme can be developed by the following steps. Since I don't know how many changes I will finally need, I believe that creating my own custom theme based on Diamond fits more.

Code: Select all

ng new MyDiamondSASS --style=scss --routing=true

npm install @angular/cdk --save
npm install primeng@latest --save
npm install primeicons@latest --save
npm install primeflex@latest --save

copy primeng-diamond-11.0.0/src/assets/sass/			to MyDiamondCSS/src/assets/sass/
copy primeng-diamond-11.0.0/src/assets/layout/fonts/     	to MyDiamondCSS/src/assets/layout/fonts
copy primeng-diamond-11.0.0/src/assets/layout/images/		to MyDiamondCSS/src/assets/layout/images
Create a scss files for theme & layout :

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Put content (copied from Diamond doc) to theme.scss

Code: Select all

// R E Q U I R E D   V A R I A B L E S
$primaryColor: #2196F3;
$primaryLightColor: scale-color($primaryColor, $lightness: 60%) !default;
$primaryDarkColor: scale-color($primaryColor, $lightness: -10%) !default;
$primaryDarkerColor: scale-color($primaryColor, $lightness: -20%) !default;
$primaryTextColor: #ffffff;
$highlightBg: #E3F2FD;
$highlightTextColor: #495057;

// C U S T O M   V A R I A B L E S
// space for my stuff

@import '../../sass/theme/_theme_light';
Put content (copied from Diamond doc) to the layout.scss

Code: Select all

// R E Q U I R E D   V A R I A B L E S
// no required variables

// C U S T O M   V A R I A B L E S
// space for my stuff

@import '../../sass/layout/_layout_light';
Compile or Watch

Code: Select all

sass --update src/assets/theme/mytheme/theme.scss:src/assets/theme/mytheme/theme.css
sass --watch src/assets/theme/mytheme/theme.scss:src/assets/theme/mytheme/theme.css

sass --update src/assets/layout/mylayout/layout.scss:src/assets/layout/mylayout/layout.css
sass --watch src/assets/layout/mylayout/layout.scss:src/assets/layout/mylayout/layout.css
Add generated css to the MyDiamondSASS/src/styles.scss (noted dot in path ./)

Code: Select all

@import "../node_modules/primeicons/primeicons.css";
@import "../node_modules/primeflex/primeflex.scss";
@import "../node_modules/primeng/resources/primeng.min.css";

@import "./assets/theme/mytheme/theme.css";
@import "./assets/layout/mylayout/layout.css";
Issue: then I added also this image since I got error from layout-light.scss' during build/serve: 'background-image: url("../../demo/images/widgets/user-card.jpg");'

Code: Select all

ng serve
And finally I verified that my custom changes are applicated in generated css:


Code: Select all

// R E Q U I R E D   V A R I A B L E S
// $primaryColor: #2196F3;
$primaryColor: #063954;
$primaryLightColor: scale-color($primaryColor, $lightness: 60%) !default;
$primaryDarkColor: scale-color($primaryColor, $lightness: -10%) !default;
$primaryDarkerColor: scale-color($primaryColor, $lightness: -20%) !default;
$primaryTextColor: #ffffff;
$highlightBg: #E3F2FD;
$highlightTextColor: #495057;

// C U S T O M   V A R I A B L E S
$fontFamily: Courier;
$borderRadius: 0px;

$infoButtonBg: #62b3e5;
$secondaryButtonBg: #62b3e5;

@import '../../sass/theme/_theme_light';

Code: Select all

// R E Q U I R E D   V A R I A B L E S

// no required variables

// C U S T O M   V A R I A B L E S
$fontFamily: Courier;

@import '../../sass/layout/_layout_light';

Posts: 861
Joined: 12 Sep 2017, 10:44

05 Mar 2021, 13:31

Glad to hear that you are satisfied :)

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