I didn't say there is a warning, it just doesn't work (because Freya's layout.js is not initialized, looks like). The project has the same structure as @melloware quarkus-faces project + added Freya, and everything except of Freya's JavaScript works as expected.
Here is what I can see:
I added the same kind of log to the quarkus-faces showcase/layout.js initialization, here is how it looks:
Code: Select all
App = {
init: function() {
this.wrapper = $(document.body).children('.layout-wrapper');
this.topbar = this.wrapper.children('.layout-topbar');
this.topbarMenu = this.topbar.find('> form > .topbar-menu');
this.sidebar = this.wrapper.children('.layout-sidebar');
this.menu = this.sidebar.children('.layout-menu');
this.menuLinks = this.menu.find('a');
this.mask = this.wrapper.children('.layout-mask');
this.menuButton = this.topbar.children('.menu-button');
this.configurator = this.wrapper.children('.layout-config');
this.configuratorButton = $('#layout-config-button');
this.configuratorCloseButton = $('#layout-config-close-button');
this.filterPanel = $('.layout-sidebar-filter-panel');
this.activeSubmenus = [];
$(document).ready(function() {
document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].style.visibility = "visible";
console.log('PrimeFaces.showcase.layout.js initialized');
I can see this log entry in the Chrome inspector console and everything javascript related is working as expected.
Here is Freya current initialization which is not called (and I don't see the log in the console), so nothing js related is working:
Code: Select all
PrimeFaces.widget.Freya = PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidget.extend({
init: function(cfg) {
this.wrapper = $(document.body).children('.layout-wrapper');
var $this = this;
$(function() {
this.expandedMenuitems = this.expandedMenuitems||[];
console.log('PrimeFaces.widget.Freya initialized');
Obviously, there are some differences, but I'm not sure what to make out of this information... I'm stuck because I want to put hamburger in the topbar and it relies on layout.js as well most likely.