Bean values are not refreshing on p:datatable after update

jQuery UI Widgets
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Posts: 2
Joined: 12 Jan 2017, 14:33

12 Jan 2017, 15:41

Hello all,

I should say Thanks a lot in advance for reading my problem before I start explaining it. Appreciate your response on this post.

Problem in brief: Value in the fields are not getting refreshed after update action on add/delete button. Its taking values from cache. And if I manually refresh the url, expected result is coming on page. The bean class is reflecting values correctly at backend. Update action of button is not refreshing bean values on page.

I have a p:datatable component on my xhtml page.
This is input datatable with 2 columns as calendar field and 1 inputText field and 1 checkbox (to select for deletion).
I have 2 command button on page to add rows and delete rows respectively.

Action to recreate the problem:
1. I add 4 rows, fill values in all fields.
2. Select checkbox of 1st and 3row to delete.
3. Expected result: 2 rows with data of 2nd and 4th row.
4. Actual result: 2 rows with data of 1st and 2nd row.
5. Add 2 rows by add button
6. Expected result: 2 new blank rows added
7. Actual result: 2 rows added with old data of 3rd and 4th row.

Please let me know if you need any further information/input from my side

Code: Select all

::::::Bean class content:::::::
	 * Add new Outage Profile
	public void addOutageProfile(){

		List<OutageProfileBean> outageProfiles = this.detail.getOutageProfiles();
		if(numberOfOutSegToAdd > 0 && (outageProfiles.size()+numberOfOutSegToAdd)<200){
			for(int i=0; i<numberOfOutSegToAdd; i++){
				outageProfiles.add(new OutageProfileBean());
	  * Delete outages
	public void removeField(){
		List<OutageProfileBean> outageProfiles = this.detail.getOutageProfiles();
		Iterator<OutageProfileBean> outageProfilesItr = outageProfiles.iterator();
			OutageProfileBean individualOutageProfile =;

Code: Select all

::::xhtml code::::
<p:tab id="outageProfilesTab" title="Outage Profiles">
						<p:dataTable value="#{RemitBean.detail.outageProfiles}"
							var="field" id="repeat" rowIndexVar="index" style="width: 100%;"
							paginator="true" rows="20"
							paginatorTemplate="{RowsPerPageDropdown} {FirstPageLink} {PreviousPageLink} {CurrentPageReport} {NextPageLink} {LastPageLink}"
							rowsPerPageTemplate="10,20,50" lazy="true"
							widgetVar="reportTable" scrollable="true" scrollHeight="250">
							<p:column style="white-space: normal;" headerText="Segment Count"
								<div style="text-align: center;">
									<f:facet name="header">
									<h:outputText value="#{index + 1}" size="2" />
							<p:column headerText="Outage Segment Start" width="21%">
								<p:calendar id="outageSegmentStart"
									pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" showOn="button"
									requiredMessage="Segment Count '#{index + 1}' Outage Segment Start is required">
									<!-- <f:ajax execute="@this" /> -->
									<p:ajax event="dateSelect"
										update="outageDuration" />
									<p:ajax event="change"
										update="outageDuration" />

									<f:attribute name="outageProfileDate" value="#{field}" />
									<f:attribute name="selectedOutageProfileIndex" value="#{index}" />
									<f:convertDateTime pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" />


							<p:column headerText="Outage Segment End" width="21%">
								<p:calendar id="outageSegmentEnd"
									value="#{field.outageSegmentEnd}" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
									showOn="button" required="#{RemitBean.outageProfileValidation}"
									requiredMessage="Segment Count '#{index + 1}' Outage Segment End is required.">
									<!-- <f:ajax execute="@this" /> -->
									<p:ajax event="dateSelect"
										update="outageDuration" />
									<p:ajax event="change"
										update="outageDuration" />
									<f:attribute name="outageProfileDate" value="#{field}" />
									<f:attribute name="selectedOutageProfileIndex" value="#{index}" />
									<f:convertDateTime pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" />
							<p:column style="white-space: normal;"
								headerText="Outage Duration" width="14%">
								<p:inputText id="outageDuration" value="#{field.outageDuration}"
									size="15" disabled="true" />

							<p:column style="white-space: normal;"
								headerText="Installed Capacity" width="8%">
								<p:inputText id="installedCapacity"
									value="#{RemitBean.detail.normalCapacity}" size="6"
									disabled="true" />
							<p:column style="white-space: normal;" headerText="Capacity"
								<p:inputText id="outageCapacity" value="#{field.capacity}"
									size="6" required="#{RemitBean.outageProfileValidation}"
									requiredMessage="Segment Count '#{index + 1}' Capacity is required.">
									<f:ajax execute="@this" />
							<p:column headerText="Delete"
								style="text-align:left;vertical-align:top;" width="50">
								<div style="text-align: center;">
									<p:selectBooleanCheckbox id="deleteUomfSegmentId"
										<f:ajax execute="@this" />

							<br />

						<p:spacer width="1" height="10" />
						<p:outputLabel for="numOfOutSegToAdd"
							value="Number Of Outage Segment to Add: " />
						<p:inputText id="numOfOutSegToAdd"
							value="#{RemitBean.numberOfOutSegToAdd}" size="13">
							<f:ajax execute="@this" />

						<p:commandButton value="Add Outage Segment"
							process="@this, :mainForm:tabViewHeader:repeat"
							update=":mainForm:tabViewHeader:repeat" immediate="true">
							<f:param name="skipValidation" value="false" />
						<p:commandButton value="Delete Selected Outage Segment"
							process="@this, :mainForm:tabViewHeader:repeat"
							update=":mainForm:tabViewHeader:repeat" immediate="true"
							<f:param name="skipValidation" value="false" />


Posts: 10
Joined: 02 Mar 2016, 15:48

13 Jan 2017, 15:43

Your question is about PrimeFaces, not PrimeUI, so you should post it to the 'JavaServer Faces' - forum.

Posts: 2
Joined: 12 Jan 2017, 14:33

14 Jan 2017, 06:26

Thanks for re-rotuting to correct section. I have got the solution.

Posts: 1
Joined: 28 Jan 2017, 08:02

28 Jan 2017, 08:06

Can you please advise what was the solution to this problem?

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