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Labels in general and OutputLabels

Posted: 26 Jul 2023, 09:29
by gepardec
Are there specific colors or text styles to use for labels of controls?
I don't mean floating labels, i mean the classic ones that are placed near (eg. left of or above of) an input field, for example.

For JSF, there even is the OutputLabels component, which is missing in the Figma UI Kit. ... fwid=63f85

1. Are there any color and text styles in figma that are recommended to use for such labels and OutputLabels?

I cannot find any example or documentation of such labels, although every enterprise web application I know needs them.

Here is an example from Bootstrap just to show what I mean: ... l/#example

Thank you!

Re: Labels in general and OutputLabels

Posted: 26 Jul 2023, 16:02
by w00f

We simply suggest you use Global/textColor for labels, as there is no specific rule that we are using for labels.

Best regards,