Responsive selectOneRadio incorrectly manipulating DOM

Posts: 11
Joined: 17 Sep 2015, 10:49

27 Nov 2015, 15:02

Hi guys,

I was playing with the theme and some responsive elements within them and came across what seems to be a bug/misbehavior.

Essentially I have two Container50's at the top then a Container75 below them. When I set the select p:selectOneRadio layout propoerty to responsive, both the Container75 and Container25 at the bottom is pulled into the Container50 on the right. When I set it back to grid it works as expected.

Anyone have any ideas?

I have my xhtml page as follows:

Code: Select all

<div class="Container50 Responsive">

<div class="Container50 Responsive">
	<div class="ContainerIndent">
		<div class="Container30" >
		<div class="Container70 Responsive">
			<div class="ContainerIndent">
				<p:tabView id="...">
					<p:tab title="...">
						<p:scrollPanel style="display: inline-block; width: 93%; max-height: 110px; min-height: 110px;">
							<p:message for="..." id="..." />
							<p:selectOneRadio id="a" value="..."
											  layout="grid" columns="2" >
								<f:selectItems value="..." var="offense" itemLabel="..." itemValue="..."/>
					<p:tab id="meritTab" title="...">

<div class="Container75 Responsive">

<div class="Container25 Responsive100">

Posts: 5281
Joined: 29 Jun 2013, 12:38

30 Nov 2015, 10:14

Thanks for the sample. We will work on it and get back to you.

Posts: 5281
Joined: 29 Jun 2013, 12:38

30 Nov 2015, 11:19

Can you please try "Responsive100" instead of "Responsive" class in your code block?

Posts: 11
Joined: 17 Sep 2015, 10:49

04 Dec 2015, 00:08

Hi aragorn,

Thanks -> I tried that and it fixed the issue.

Sorry about that!

Posts: 5281
Joined: 29 Jun 2013, 12:38

04 Dec 2015, 12:01

Glad to hear, thanks for the update.;)


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