topbar.xhtml sm-topmenu dyamic li not showing

Posts: 37
Joined: 18 Aug 2010, 03:08

05 Dec 2015, 05:24

Hi there

In the topbar.xhtml, I try to add <li> entries on the fly which work but the menu click event does display the dynamically added li s.

Code: Select all

    		<li jsf:id="notificationPanel" jsf:rendered="#{not empty userStore.messages}" class="Fleft BordRadHalf TexAlCenter"><i class="icon-mail"></i><span class="alertBubble BordRad10 Fs9">#{fn:length(userStore.messages)}</span>
    			<ul class="layout-header-widgets-submenu BordRad5 shadows white Animated05">
    				<ui:repeat var="message" value="#{userStore.messages}">
    				<li class="Animated05">Hello 1</li>
I am using the remoteCommand to update the page which does populate the ui li messages section but when I click on the "icon-mail" the topbar.xhtml page do not show messages. I think I need to call some function like Sentinel.restoreMenuState() on the oncomplete event of remoteCommand?

Code: Select all

   	<p:remoteCommand name="updateMessage" actionListener="#{userStore.refreshMessageList()}" update=":topbarForm" process="@this" oncomplete="Sentinel.restoreMenuState();"/>
Any advice? Thanks.

Posts: 5281
Joined: 29 Jun 2013, 12:38

07 Dec 2015, 14:31

I will work on this issue and get back to you.

Posts: 37
Joined: 18 Aug 2010, 03:08

08 Dec 2015, 15:47

Thanks Aragon

I have settled with the following script. Not ideal and messy. I would appreciate if you can suggest a cleaner and user friendly option. I would really like to be able to hide the icon-mail <li> and only show it when there is mail (updated via polling)....

Code: Select all

<li class="Fleft BordRadHalf TexAlCenter">
    			<i class="icon-mail"></i>
    			<span jsf:id="messageCount">
    			<span class="alertBubble BordRad10 Fs9" jsf:rendered="#{not empty userStore.messages}">
	    		<h:outputText value="#{fn:length(userStore.messages)}"/>
    			<ul class="layout-header-widgets-submenu BordRad5 shadows white Animated05" jsf:id="messageList">
    				<ui:fragment rendered="#{empty userStore.messages}">
	    				<li class="Animated05"><a class="white Unselectable">
	    					<span><h:outputText value="No message"/></span></a></li>
    				<ui:repeat var="message" value="#{userStore.messages}">
    				<li class="Animated05" style="text-align:right">
    						<i class="icon-chat-empty"></i>#{message.description}<br/>
    						<span class="Fs10" style="vertical-align:text-top">#{message.sender.displayName} <i class="icon-cancel" style="float:right;margin-right: 0px !important;" onclick="readMessage(#{})"></i></span>
The following function will be called to update the messages.

Code: Select all

<p:remoteCommand name="updateMessageList" actionListener="#{userStore.refreshMessageList()}" update=":topbarForm:messageCount :topbarForm:messageList" process="@this" />


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