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sm-topmenu update

Posted: 08 Jul 2017, 09:11
by Montyzoomer
Hi Aragorn,

I have an issue with the sm-topmenu in that after the enclosing form is updated from an event elsewhere in the app, the 2nd level ul elements are not displayed when you mouseover the enclosing li.

Even if I strip the dynamic content out to just static content, the 2nd level content does not display on mouseover of the li icon (the icon changes color though!).

Any ideas?


Code: Select all

    <div id="layout-header" class="Unselectable fontRegular" style="background: white !important; width: 99%;">
        <h:form id="top">
            <ul id="sm-topmenu" class="layout-header-widgets white Fs14 Fright" style="z-index: 1001">

                <li class="Fleft BordRadHalf TexAlCenter"><i class="icon-user-2"></i>
                    <p:fragment rendered="#{secMan.admin}"><span style="position: relative; right: 0px; top: 5px; white-space: nowrap" class="alertBubble BordRad10 Fs9">Admin</span></p:fragment>
                    <ul class="layout-header-widgets-submenu BordRad5 shadows white Animated05">
                        <li class="Animated05"><a class="white Unselectable"><i class="icon-user-male Fs22 OvHidden"></i><span class="Fs18">#{serv.fullname}</span></a></li>   
                        <p:fragment rendered="#{}"><li class="Animated05 Fs24"><i class="icon-check Fs14" style="padding-top: 5px"></i><span style="position: relative; right: 30px; top: 2px; white-space: nowrap" class="alertBubble BordRad10 Fs12">Author</span></li></p:fragment>                        


Code: Select all

        <p:ajax event="change" listener="#{dyno.initiateTree()}" update=":form:dynoTree :form:projectSelect :form:searchPanel :top"/>

Re: sm-topmenu update

Posted: 10 Jul 2017, 12:29
by mert.sincan
Please try;

Code: Select all

// in leftmenu.xhtml
<ps:menu id="sm_leftmenu" widgetVar="SentinelMenuWidget">

//ajax update
<p:ajax event="change" listener="#{dyno.initiateTree()}" update=":form:dynoTree :form:projectSelect :form:searchPanel :top" oncomplete="PF('SentinelMenuWidget').refresh(PF('SentinelMenuWidget').cfg)"/>