window can not scroll down in IE( tested 9 and 11)

Posts: 9
Joined: 29 Sep 2015, 12:42

06 Nov 2015, 11:06

Hi Team,

After we integrated Volt-Layout-2.0, the Whole web page can not scroll down in IE(tested IE 9 and 11). (both Chrome and Firefox are works)

Once drag scrollbar down or press [down] via keyboard, the web page will scroll down, but at the same time page scroll up to top immediate. seems the page is flicking.

Can help to advise? Template page as below. thanks.

Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns=""
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                    <div id="layout-portlets-tablerow">

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						<h:outputText id="sessionTimeoutCfmMsg"
							value="The current session is about to time out in 30 seconds. Do you want to extend the session?"
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							onclick="sessionTimeoutCfmDlg.hide();resetLeftTime();" />
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		           function setContentDivHeight() {		             
		               var height = getContentHeight();
		               $("#mylayoutWdgt").css("height", height).children().css({"min-height":height-4,"max-height":height-4}).children(".ui-layout-unit-content").css("height", height-4);	               
		          	 $("#taxonomyLayoutUnit > .ui-layout-unit-content").css("height",height-32);
		           function getContentHeight(){
		           	var topBarHeight = $("#layout-topbar").height();
		               return window.innerHeight - topBarHeight;
		           var isSessionTimerNeed = "#{}";
		           var sessionDuration = #{};
		           function initSession(){
		               if(isSessionTimerNeed == "Y"){
		                       sessionDuration = sessionDuration - 1;
		                       var msg = document.getElementById("sessionTimeoutCfmMsg");
		                       if(sessionDuration == 30){
		                           msg.innerHTML = "The current session is about to time out in "+ sessionDuration + " seconds. Do you want to extend the session?";
		                       }else if(sessionDuration < 30 && sessionDuration > 0){
		                           msg.innerHTML = "The current session is about to time out in "+ sessionDuration + " seconds. Do you want to extend the session?";
		                       }else if(sessionDuration < 0){
		           function resetLeftTime(){
		               sessionDuration = #{login.getSessionTimeoutInDuration()};
					<p:remoteCommand name="persistRows"
						action="#{}" process="@this"
						global="true" />
					<p:remoteCommand name="ERSAuditEventProvider"
						action="#{}" process="@this"
						global="true" />
					<p:remoteCommand name="OnClickBreadCrumbForTaxoEvent"
						action="#{}" process="@this"
						global="true" />
					<p:remoteCommand name="onClickBreadCrumbForFolderEvent"
									 action="#{}" process="@this"
									 global="true" />

				<h:outputStylesheet name="css/core-layout.css" library="volt-layout" />
		        <h:outputStylesheet name="css/animate.css" library="volt-layout" />
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		        <h:outputStylesheet name="css/font-awesome.css" library="volt-layout" />
		        <h:outputStylesheet name="css/volt-layout.css" library="volt-layout" />

Posts: 9
Joined: 29 Sep 2015, 12:42

07 Nov 2015, 10:55

finally, we found out the root cause.
it is caused by java script conflict.

below code snippet was used for prevent browser back and forward events. but not sure why effected program in IE browser only.

Code: Select all

function changeHashOnLoad() {
				     window.location.href += '#';
				     setTimeout('changeHashAgain()', '50'); 
					function changeHashAgain() {
					  window.location.href += '1';
					var storedHash = window.location.hash;
					window.setInterval(function () {
					    if (window.location.hash != storedHash) {
					         window.location.hash = storedHash;
					}, 50);

Posts: 5281
Joined: 29 Jun 2013, 12:38

08 Nov 2015, 19:29

Thanks for the update. I tested this issue for a long time but I could not replicate it. Thanks again,Masilamani ;)
Maybe setTimeout issue for IE browsers.


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