Feedback for NetBeans

UI Components for JSF
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10 Apr 2012, 18:24

When the SUN abandoned the project, the community was outraged at Woodstock. Then with the project took the time. JbossTools If you were creating a viewer (preview) of xhtml pages with primefaces and jsf core and later with the properties editor would be as much, and I'm sure that as many people ta using the prime that undoubtedly is the best today, will start using Netbeans for this.

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10 Apr 2012, 18:33

Mainly code generation for CRUD application directly with PrimeFaces, from Database schema, with coverage of link between tables.

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11 Apr 2012, 07:54

ric wrote:Mainly code generation for CRUD application directly with PrimeFaces, from Database schema, with coverage of link between tables.
Nilesh N. Mali
Angular 2.x | Prime NG
FF: latest | Chrome: latest | vscode
Blog: | PrimeFaces Extensions:

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11 Apr 2012, 09:25

For me the most important thing is a visual editor.
But i'm sure this will not be done in a few days, so for the beginning it would be great if you could add a full property support including editor support for Java/Javascriptcode as long as it is used from your JSF-Components.
Add a few templates for "New Project" Setups and a better support for tomcat and we have a winner :D !!!
Other things, like visual editing etc. are long term stuff (imho).
Best Regards

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11 Apr 2012, 09:32

I would be nice if some readymade page portions would exist. I mean usually a site has a Header, Footer or a left or right menu. Those contain some components usually like images, text, menuitems and feedback thins, links. These are provided by primefaces too. So some kind of ready made templates would be nice even for samples or example usage

And as for the visual editor it would be really greate help but i dont think it has to do just with your project but comes from the platform designers. I know it used to exist and it had some problems. I see it as a disadvantage to the Netbeans though.

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11 Apr 2012, 16:51

CODI x ExtVal x ExtCDI x OpenWebBeans integration. Looks:
commandButton action is not working
command button actionlistener is not working

I have this same functional architecture with RichFaces. I would immensely migrate to PrimeFaces.

Please pay attention to this case !!!
- PrimeFaces-3.5 and Mobile-0.9.3
- (OpenWebBeans 1.1.6; Mojarra-2.1.17; EclipseLink-2.4.1; Bean-Validator-4.3.0)
- Tomcat-7.0.37
- OpenJDK-OSX-1.7 / Sun-JDK-7u17
- MacOSX 10.8.2 / Windows 7

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13 Apr 2012, 12:11

I think the standard NetBeans support is sufficient for most things.

I am going to give a Visual Editing feature a fat -1000 because you are -never- going to be able to run it WYSIWYG without running things on a server/browser. This is why god gave you "deploy on save" for web apps.
Use it, learn to love it, move on.

Improved PF inline documentation would be good. Things are a lot better than in PF 2.2 but a lot of tags/attributes are still poorly documented.

Maybe a PF Plugin with sources, documentation including User Guide (make it compulsory to read before enabling the Plugin too!) and manage different versions of the libraries if not using Maven
Plugin should support adding Maven artefects etc to projects and include being able to create version specific Showcase Maven Projects.
PF 4.x (Elite versions), PF 5, Pf 5.1, PF 6.0
Glassfish 4.1, Mojarra 2.x, Java 8, Payara 4.1.1.
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13 Apr 2012, 14:57

jorgwel wrote:Visual Editor +1000
Cool, you donate 1000 euro for developing this?

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13 Apr 2012, 14:59

andyba wrote:I am going to give a Visual Editing feature a fat -1000 because you are -never- going to be able to run it WYSIWYG without running things on a server/browser. This is why god gave you "deploy on save" for web apps.
Use it, learn to love it, move on.
+1000 ;-)

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13 Apr 2012, 15:05

I'm -1 for visual editor as well, visual editors are useless compared to "deploy on save" , "hot deploy". I can't really create a page with a visual editor. My experiences with them were all terrible. I usually drop at wrong place and bored of all dragging dropping, my hand starts to hurt later and the code they generate are usually wrong and not optimized.

I guess it is appealing for people who are new to web development.

Ready made page templates, ui generation from entities are much more useful than a visual editor. Frankly I wouldn't use visual editor if NetBeans comes with one, I'm quite productive with current features anyway.

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