
UI Components for JSF
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13 Aug 2012, 09:09

Convince them to get PrimeFaces PRO and consulting from us to support PrimeFaces :)

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21 Aug 2012, 14:46


I am an American, and lead software developer for a cutting edge ISV building quality corporate and consumer web applications. I am also an avid StackOverflow contributor to JSF and Primefaces related questions as well as a moderator on Programmers.StackExchange.

We have successfully deployed one small JSF+Primefaces application to a major bank and are currently working on a new exciting project with Primefaces as our component library of choice for rapid front end development of our web application. The impressive and attractive control set, allow our small team to turn out quality web applications with only a fraction of the expertise and effort as in other frameworks. We see it continually improve every day and this gives us confidence and assurance that Primefaces will be at the forefront of our major development efforts for years to come.

We continue to highly support you as a previous customer of the Primefaces manual and I personally will try my best to help others learn the true power of this framework on this site and StackOverflow to the best of my ability.

Thank you,
Dustin Briscoe
First Primefaces Application: PrimeFaces 2.2.1, Mojarra 2.0.4, Tomcat 7.08 - JBoss 6

Second Primefaces Application: Primefaces 3.0 FINAL (<-- AWESOME!), Mojarra 2.1.2, Spring 3 with Spring Security and Spring EL Resolver, Tomcat 6

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Joined: 29 Aug 2012, 22:58

29 Aug 2012, 23:02

I love PrimeFaces. I used to maintain an Engineering Software website which had Analysis tools programmed as Java Applets. It took forever to load and had many configuration issues. With PrimeFaces server-side rendering is amazing. I can create some really cool configuration screens for Engineering applications like neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic. Here is the new site I created thanks to PrimeFaces.


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29 Aug 2012, 23:15

+1 Like!

PrimeFaces 6.0, Extensions 6.0.0, Push (Atmosphere 2.4.0)
TomEE+ 1.7.4 (Tomcat 7.0.68), MyFaces Core 2.2.9, JDK8
JUEL 2.2.7 | OmniFaces | EclipseLink-JPA/Derby | Chrome

Java EE 6 Tutorial|NetBeans|Google|Stackoverflow|PrimeFaces|Apache

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Location: China

08 Nov 2012, 06:58

I am a rookie of JavaEE Developer , but I am a powerful SAS programmer.
I love PrimeFaces . It is very easy to learn. and more important than anything else is PrimeFaces is almost the most compatible JSF component in the world. I can integrate PrimeFaces into example of JavaEE Tutorial 6 easily. and What amazing face does PrimeFaces has .

Xia Keshan from China
PrimeFace 3.4.2 | GlassFish 3.1.2 | JSF 2.0 | NetBeans 7.1

Posts: 3
Joined: 16 Nov 2012, 17:28

16 Nov 2012, 19:20

Primefaces and JSF allows me to produce web applications with comparable ease/functionality to a desktop application - with cross browser compatibility !!.

A lot of "hand crafted" solutions are now off the shelf components.

Posts: 2
Joined: 28 Nov 2012, 06:51

28 Nov 2012, 07:39


I believe PrimeFaces is really a great framework, extremely easy to use and very fast to develop.

I used PrimeFaces to replace the GUI for a complete JSF 1.1 application. I switched to JSF 2 with PF in around 1 month, working alone, having many other priorities, and not dedicated to development in fact.

It was great pleasure to me to work with PF, and I have to say that it was very interesting to explore the features of all the controls and thinking how to use it in my app accordingly, without any worries how to use it.

PF is extremely stable. This stability level which we miss in many other frameworks. Also, it is built with logic, so if you think logically you can understand how it works smoothly.

Upgrading from 3.3 to 3.4 was easy and efficient to the maximum. Actually I wanted some features which I found in 3.4 and it worked seamlessly after upgrade to the extent that I couldn't believe how easy it can be.

Thanks to the great team, for the great work and the great spirit to share your work to others, and really I will be happy if someday I can contribute to something like this.

Special thanks to Mr. Optimus Prime, who helps us all in every word he writes in posts, comments, and answers to others' questions. very sharp words and perfect understanding.

Thanks, and I'll try with my company to make a formal company testimonial to support your great team.
PF 3.4.1, JSF Implementation 2.1.2, Tomcat 7

Posts: 71
Joined: 18 Jun 2012, 17:43
Location: Bavaria, DE

18 Feb 2013, 19:56

Hello Primefacesteam,

here you can see Primefaces in action - osRetail: http://osretail.de/osRetail/ . You need no password. With the help of Primefaces we could develop a Freeware for all kinds of retailers. We are so fast because we use Primfaces together with Eclipse for developing osRetail. osRetail runs with 3.5 .

Congratulations and thank you for your great work . We enjoy it to work with Primefaces

Peter Magsam from Bavaria
PrimeFaces 6.1, Extensions 6.1.1 , Mojarra 2.3 , GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.1 (build 13) , atmosphere-runtime 2.4.9 , Open Source ERP with Primefaces http://osretail.de/osRetail/

Posts: 4
Joined: 08 Sep 2010, 14:29

11 Mar 2013, 20:21

Hi everyone.

I'm a software developer from Brazil, I've been worked with web based application of the last 5 years using Richfaces and Icefaces, but recently we started a new project using primefaces because the follow itens:

* The bigger component library
* The easy way to use these components
* The active community
* The beautiful themes
* The easy way to build a new theme
* And so on...

Our more recent project is running in an important Brazilian government agency and has a big number of users.
PrimeReact 4.2.2
React 16.13.1

Posts: 7
Joined: 27 Sep 2009, 16:29

19 Mar 2013, 23:05

I used to love PrimeFaces.

Then on this sad day, I discovered and understood what happened with the new licensing schemes.

And now I'm captive with a project which is not open-source anymore and I feel like I've been trapped.

I really hope some guys will fork this on github quickly so that we can get this great project back from the dead.

Nothing personal guys, I still admire what you did with this library (technically I mean).


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