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lineChart xAxis integer days of months worngly formatted

Posted: 17 Apr 2014, 19:41
by banto.78
Hi experts,

i have this code to show a simple chart :

Code: Select all

<p:lineChart id="categoryDailyAmt"
								title="#{res.chartCategoryDailyAmt}" minY="0"
								maxY="#{chartBean.maxYAxisWE}" minX="1" maxX="#           {chartBean.maxXAxisWEDailyAmt}"
								animate="true" style="height:300px; margin-top:20px" widgetVar="catAm" />
where maxXAxisWEDailyAmt it is just a java int which represents the number of days in a month.

When i plot the chart though i get very bad xAxis format.

something like this with 4 decimal digits:

1.0000 3.1429 5.2857 7.4286 .....

How can i get instead the day of month like natural number:

1 2 3 4 5 .........

thanks for you help in advance.

Re: lineChart xAxis integer days of months worngly formatted

Posted: 17 Apr 2014, 19:46
by banto.78
just to be more precise. This is how i build the chart:

Code: Select all

ChartSeries dailyWEAmountSeries = new ChartSeries();
dailyWEAmountSeries.set(new Integer(i+1), amtWE[i]);
maxXAxisWEDailyAmt = amtWE.length();
but on the xAxis i want to set-up the max scale equal to the number of days in a month. E.g. for April will be 30. That's why i added the :

Code: Select all

but i get the problem described above.

Re: lineChart xAxis integer days of months worngly formatted

Posted: 17 Apr 2014, 19:55
by banto.78
ok - very strange but i solved although i cannot explain why the behaviour:

this does not work:

Code: Select all

dailyWEAmountSeries.set(new Integer(i+1), amtWE[i]);

this works:

Code: Select all

dailyWEAmountSeries.set(new Integer(i+1).toString(), amtWE[i]);
the .toString() method makes the difference :roll:

any thought?