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Push Demo with Tomcat 8.5.x : tomcat blocked

Posted: 18 Aug 2017, 20:36
by sieline
Hi all,

I've tryed the push demo on a Tomcat 8.5.16 and 8.0.33 with JDK 1.8.0_131. (Last downloadable 6.1.x demo with readonly/disabled updated to work )

When I use <p:socket autoConnect="true".../> and use browser back/forward a few times (say 20) to make some WS reconnect then the server does not answer anymore and I have to kill process. Last Chrome and Firefox gave same result.

I did it to simulate a p:socket on the template.xhtml (to have WS on every page) with some navigation, which is my target.
I've tryed to change some atmosphere config changes on web.xml, but found none.

Had to move on JETTY to avoid this trouble but not really a solution.
