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p:ajax crashing on IE 9 (primefaces 2.2.1)

Posted: 24 Feb 2011, 16:28
Guys, I try to tab from an InputText that contains the blur event:

Code: Select all

<p:inputText id="userCode" label="#{msgs.userCode}"  value="#{userApplicationBean.userApplication.adminUserId}" required="true">                            
    <f:validateLength minimum="8" maximum="15"/>
     <p:ajax event="blur" update="userRegistration:msgs" process="@this" />
... and navigate to any other field of the form (all fields contain a similar p:ajax event), but I get this error on IE 9:

Code: Select all

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C)
Timestamp: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 14:22:49 UTC

Message: Unexpected call to method or property access.
Line: 23
Character: 21078
Code: 0
URI: http://localhost:8888/UserApplication/faces/javax.faces.resource/jquery/jquery.js?ln=primefaces&v=2.2.1
Does p:ajax crash for you as well when using p:ajax event=blur in IE? (it works fine on Firefox & Chrome)

Re: p:ajax crashing on IE 9 (primefaces 2.2.1)

Posted: 25 Feb 2011, 09:22

Re: p:ajax crashing on IE 9 (primefaces 2.2.1)

Posted: 25 Feb 2011, 10:23
by cagatay.civici
Is IE9 released? I think it is beta or sth.

Re: p:ajax crashing on IE 9 (primefaces 2.2.1)

Posted: 25 Feb 2011, 11:13
False alarm. I discovered the source of the problem and it was entirely irrelevant. You may safely delete this thread.

Re: p:ajax crashing on IE 9 (primefaces 2.2.1)

Posted: 30 Mar 2011, 15:25
by luisalves00
IE9 is out...don't know why but ajx that orks ok on 8 doesn't on IE9...

Re: p:ajax crashing on IE 9 (primefaces 2.2.1)

Posted: 30 Mar 2011, 16:54
by Oleg

IE9 is out and our customers use it already. So, PrimeFaces tests for IE9 and FF 4 are necessary.

Re: p:ajax crashing on IE 9 (primefaces 2.2.1)

Posted: 04 Apr 2011, 12:11
by luisalves00
mainly IE9....FF4 seems ok...

Re: p:ajax crashing on IE 9 (primefaces 2.2.1)

Posted: 04 Apr 2011, 17:14
by healeyb
and I think you need jQuery 1.5.1, there are known bugs with earlier
jQuery releases with IE9 - PF3 uses 1.5.1?

On a somewhat unrelated matter there is a very entertaining website, run it from various browsers to see how well they
support html5 (as it presently stands), and also quite a good way to
get an idea of what's in html5, and some of the links take you to the
API specs.


Re: p:ajax crashing on IE 9 (primefaces 2.2.1)

Posted: 05 Apr 2011, 14:50
by bumble.bee
There is also the ACID test: