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DataTable- How to Edit Cell with Custom Template

Posted: 26 May 2016, 13:58
by ammarkhan91
I have a column with custom template and I'm seeing some strange behavior when editing the cell.

1) If I focus cell to edit, it shows empty cell. On blur, value comes back
2) If I focus cell to edit and modified it, on blur it still show old value.
3) If I focus the cell again, it shows the modified value. Again on blue, it show old value.

Please help

For Example

Code: Select all

<p-column [style]="{'width': '100px'}" [editable]="true">
   <template let-item="rowData">
           {{item.amount| currency: 'USD': true : '1.2-2'}}

Re: DataTable- How to Edit Cell with Custom Template

Posted: 27 May 2016, 12:33
by ammarkhan91
Any thoughts?