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Change logo.svg

Posted: 29 Jun 2020, 05:50
by euderlevi
hi, I want modify the logo.svg file to my logo.
I've used Corel Draw, changed correctly, but I do not know to save the file.

Could you help me, how save the new svg file with corel that works on Icarus theme?

Re: Change logo.svg

Posted: 30 Jun 2020, 15:01
by w00f
Hi, We don't use Corel but did you try Export feature from the File menu?

Re: Change logo.svg

Posted: 06 Jul 2020, 15:55
by euderlevi
Yes, I've used the export feature menu.

But then, the Corel show many ways to save the SVG file, so I've tried a lot of conbinations and anyone works correctly.

I Saved the file, and start the application, jsf, but jsf application didn't show the new file created.

NOTE: I already did it! Now it workd perfectly, BUT I did NOT use the Corel, I used Online SVG Editor Files.
Thank you all!