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Starting work with Apollo - missing classes?

Posted: 20 Mar 2018, 19:00
by 0la

I have some problems with adding Apollo theme to our application. I'll try to describe what I did:

I would like to ask about the best way to add Apollo to the maven project. For now I did those steps:

1. Added dependency to my pom.xml:

2. Added apollo-theme-2.0.0.jar to maven m2 directory (to ~/.m2/repository/org/primefaces/themes/apollo-theme/2.0.0 path)

3. Copied whole apollo-layout directory to my project (in downloaded it is placed under

4. I changed my templates according to template.xhtml file

5. At this point my website started to look similar to Apollo but there are some problems.
For example line
<h:outputStylesheet name="css/layout-#{guestPreferences.theme}.css" library="apollo-layout" />
from template.xhtml file doesn't work, but it works fine after changing it to:
<h:outputStylesheet name="css/layout-blue-dark.css" library="apollo-layout" />

So I guess Apollo java files are not attached to my project - at least not all of them.

I decided to uncompress jar file from apollo downloaded zip (which I used in step no. 2) and I found out that there are only three .class files: ApolloMenu.class, ApolloMenuRenderer.class and ApolloMenu$PropertyKeys.class.

I found .java files in directory and there are and files but also other files like mentioned

I'm little confused.

I thought it's sufficient to use .jar file included in archive downloaded from PF store, but there are missing classes... Should I prepare my own .jar with files from

Also, I thought it won't be neccessary to copy all css, js and img files from Apollo to my app (like described in point no. 3)

Or maybe I was doing it all in a wrong way?

Is there any good and detailed step-by-step tutorial how to attach Apollo to working application?

Re: Starting work with Apollo - missing classes?

Posted: 21 Mar 2018, 12:50
by mert.sincan