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Re: PF 10

Posted: 12 May 2021, 09:07
by siris

There appears to be a issue with the "Openpdf" dependency. You can remove it from pom.xml and try again please.
How do I get the menu to close after selection?
You can use the overlay menu to close after selection.

Best Regards,

Re: PF 10

Posted: 23 May 2021, 03:50
by tony.herstell
On the showcase for Theme closing a panel leaves it bottomless...
I added this to my local css to override it.

Top Right:

Code: Select all

body .ui-panel .ui-panel-titlebar {
	border-bottom: solid 1px #dee2e6 !important;
Yours to consider...

Re: PF 10

Posted: 23 May 2021, 03:50
by tony.herstell
Not really seeing overlay "auto" close on selection .... like it used to..

Code: Select all

    <div class="layout-sidebar layout-overlay-menu #{lookAndFeelPreferences.darkMenu ? 'layout-sidebar-dark': ''}">
        <pa:tabMenu id="menu-area">
            <pa:tab icon="fa fa-home" title="Home">
	            <h:form id="menu-home-form">
		            <pa:menu widgetVar="home">
		 				<p:menuitem id="om_home" value="Home" icon="fa fa-fw fa-home" outcome="/pages/home?faces-redirect=true" immediate="true"/>
            <pa:tab icon="fa fa-user" title="Me" rendered="#{identityController.isUserInRole('USER')}">
	            <h:form id="menu-me-form">
		            <pa:menu widgetVar="me">
		 				<p:menuitem id="om_dashboard" value="Dashboard" icon="fa fa-fw fa-dashboard" outcome="/pages/my/dashboard?faces-redirect=true" />
		 				<p:menuitem id="om_xx" value="CVs" icon="fa fa-fw fa-book" outcome="/pages/my/xxs?faces-redirect=true" />

Re: PF 10

Posted: 24 May 2021, 08:27
by siris
On the showcase for Theme closing a panel leaves it bottomless...
I added this to my local css to override it.

Top Right:

body .ui-panel .ui-panel-titlebar {
border-bottom: solid 1px #dee2e6 !important;
Yours to consider...
Thanks! I will fix this.

Best Regards,

Re: PF 10

Posted: 24 May 2021, 08:29
by siris
Not really seeing overlay "auto" close on selection .... like it used to..

<div class="layout-sidebar layout-overlay-menu #{lookAndFeelPreferences.darkMenu ? 'layout-sidebar-dark': ''}">
<pa:tabMenu id="menu-area">
<pa:tab icon="fa fa-home" title="Home">
<h:form id="menu-home-form">
<pa:menu widgetVar="home">
<p:menuitem id="om_home" value="Home" icon="fa fa-fw fa-home" outcome="/pages/home?faces-redirect=true" immediate="true"/>

<pa:tab icon="fa fa-user" title="Me" rendered="#{identityController.isUserInRole('USER')}">
<h:form id="menu-me-form">
<pa:menu widgetVar="me">
<p:menuitem id="om_dashboard" value="Dashboard" icon="fa fa-fw fa-dashboard" outcome="/pages/my/dashboard?faces-redirect=true" />
<p:menuitem id="om_xx" value="CVs" icon="fa fa-fw fa-book" outcome="/pages/my/xxs?faces-redirect=true" />
Please give me a example on showcase. Sorry but I didn't understand this way what you said.

Best Regards,

Re: PF 10

Posted: 25 May 2021, 03:15
by tony.herstell
To clarify:

Click on a menu option and the page will refresh and the menu will open up again.

The "old" Theme closed the menu after selection (far more useful - as you have made a menu selection - so why stay open???!)... is there a hack I put in to close the menu after selection?

Re: PF 10

Posted: 25 May 2021, 10:10
by siris

We added 'stateful' attribute for supporting some usecases and performance improvements. And this attributes' default value is true. Please add below attribute to your pa:tabMenu component.

Code: Select all

        <pa:tabMenu id="tabMenu" stateful="false">
Best Regards,

Re: PF 10

Posted: 25 May 2021, 10:15
by tony.herstell

Re: PF 10

Posted: 25 May 2021, 16:17
by siris

Glad your issue was resolved. You are welcome!

Best Regards,