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Horizontal scrollbar on p-multiSelect on Poseidon

Posted: 20 Mar 2018, 02:10
by Sasha
I have a p-multiSelect with (mostly, if not all) default behaviors and CSS styles in Poseidon. Often, a horizontal scrollbar appears on the dropdown list, which scrolls for one-letter width or less. For example, let's say there is an item with a 4-letter word label, and another with a 6-letter word label in my list. When the 4-letter-word label is selected, the floating dropdown list becomes too narrow, and a horizontal scrollbar appears in the dropdown list portion.

I think this is a default CSS styling issue?

Thank you.

Re: Horizontal scrollbar on p-multiSelect on Poseidon

Posted: 02 Apr 2018, 13:25
by merve7
Can you add a screenshot and your code?