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Improve performance for load menu

Posted: 01 Nov 2020, 00:44
by vished

is there a possibility to improve the performance if I navigate from one page to another?
Currently the issue is that the menu on the left side is loading for a short moment as soon the page is loading, but this means also the content (from the middle of the page) is for a moment bigger than it should be.
After the menu is opened (loaded completely), the content will be reduced and it´s also the correct size.

If I compare this with other layout, like the speed is much more quicker here.
Can you fix this, please?

Thank you

Re: Improve performance for load menu

Posted: 04 Nov 2020, 19:25
by vished
@PrimeTek / mert.sincan

Any updates?

Re: Improve performance for load menu

Posted: 09 Nov 2020, 11:35
by mert.sincan

Sorry for the delayed response! I'll check the differences between Babylon and Manhattan.
Also, can you add a video about this problem so that we can reproduce this problem more easily?

Best Regards,

Re: Improve performance for load menu

Posted: 09 Nov 2020, 11:49
by vished
Thank you very much.

I have not a video, but it can be reproduce very easy from the showcase:

If you navigate from one page to another it´s like this:
- At first the menu is not expanded:

approx: 500ms later, it will be expanded (depends on the number of components in the content area etc.):

It´s a little bit frustrating, if a user clicks on a button or in a input field in the content area, but during this moment, the menu is expanded and instead the cursor is in the inputtext, it will be executed a link from the menu (due to this delay) and redirect to another page..

If you compare that to Babylon, it´s not that case. The performance is much more better.

Many thanks in advance.

Re: Improve performance for load menu

Posted: 14 Nov 2020, 23:27
by vished
did you had a chance to check this?

Re: Improve performance for load menu

Posted: 24 Nov 2020, 08:41
by rider
Hi vished,

have you got a feedback from mert.sincan ?
I have the same issue.

Re: Improve performance for load menu

Posted: 10 Dec 2020, 14:03
by vished
Any updates?

Re: Improve performance for load menu

Posted: 10 Dec 2020, 20:40
by mert.sincan

Sorry for the delayed response! I checked this issue. Maybe, it can be related to $(window).trigger('resize'); in layout.js. Could you please try this issue after removing $(window).trigger('resize');? Also, could you please test it on empty page demo (../morpheus/empty.xhtml)? The images and charts in the dashboard may be causing the performance issues.

(Note: Apart from trigger('resize'), there is no difference in the application with other layouts.)

Best Regards,

Re: Improve performance for load menu

Posted: 10 Dec 2020, 20:46
by rider
Just tried that.
I removed $(window).trigger('resize'); and removed also the images, but it´s not working.

Any other ideas?

Re: Improve performance for load menu

Posted: 10 Dec 2020, 21:29
by mert.sincan
Could you please make the following changes in layout.js?

Code: Select all

PrimeFaces.widget.Morpheus = PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidget.extend({
    init: function(cfg) {
        this.wrapper = $(document.body).children('.layout-wrapper');
        this.sidebar = this.wrapper.children('.layout-sidebar');
        this.tabMenu = this.jq;
        this.tabMenuNav = this.tabMenu.children('.layout-tabmenu-nav');
        this.tabMenuNavItems = this.tabMenuNav.children('li');
        this.tabMenuNavLinks = this.tabMenuNav.find('a');
        this.topbar = this.wrapper.children('.topbar');
        this.topbarMenu = this.topbar.children('.topbar-menu');
        this.topbarItems = this.topbarMenu.children('li');
        this.topbarLinks = this.topbarItems.children('a');
        this.menuButton = $('#menu-button');
        this.topbarMenuButton = $('#topbar-menu-button');        
        this.menuActive = false;
        this.sidebarClick = false;
        this.topbarLinkClick = false;
        this.topbarMenuClick = false;

    _bindEvents: function() {
        var $this = this;
       '').on('', function(e) {
            if($this.wrapper.hasClass('layout-wrapper-menu-active')) {
            else {
                var activeItem = $this.tabMenuNavItems.filter('.active-item');
                activeItem = activeItem.length > 0 ? activeItem : $this.tabMenuNavItems.eq(0);
            $this.sidebarClick = true;

       '').on('', function(e) {
            var link = $(this);

        $(document.body).off('click.layoutBody').on('click.layoutBody', function() {
            if(!$this.topbarMenuClick && !$this.topbarLinkClick) {
            if(!$this.sidebarClick && ($this.isOverlayMenu() || !$this.isDesktop())) {
            $this.topbarLinkClick = false;
            $this.topbarMenuClick = false;
            $this.sidebarClick = false;
    openMenu: function(link, restore) {
        var parent = link.parent();
        if(restore) {
    hideMenu: function() {
        this.wrapper.removeClass('layout-wrapper-menu-active layout-wrapper-menu-active-restore');

    fireTabChangeEvent: function(tab) {
        if (this.cfg.behaviors && this.cfg.behaviors['tabChange']) {
            var ext = {
                params: [
                    {name: + '_newTab', value: tab.attr('id')},
                    {name: + '_tabindex', value: tab.index()}

            this.cfg.behaviors['tabChange'].call(this, ext);
    isTablet: function() {
        var width = window.innerWidth;
        return width <= 1024 && width > 640;

    isDesktop: function() {
        return window.innerWidth > 1024;

    isMobile: function() {
        return window.innerWidth <= 640;
    isOverlayMenu: function() {
        return this.wrapper.hasClass('layout-overlay-menu');
    isIOS: function(e) {
        return ((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)));
    saveTabState: function(id) {
        $.cookie('morpheus_expandedtab', id, {path: '/'});
    clearTabState: function() {
        $.removeCookie('morpheus_expandedtab', {path: '/'});
    restoreTabState: function() {
        this.expandedTab = $.cookie('morpheus_expandedtab');
        if (this.expandedTab) {
            var tab = $("#" + this.expandedTab.replace(/:/g, "\\:"));
            this.openMenu(tab.children('a'), true);
        else if(this.cfg.activeIndex) {
            var active = this.tabMenuNavItems.eq(parseInt(this.cfg.activeIndex));
            this.openMenu(active.children('a'), true);

 * PrimeFaces MorpheusMenu Component
PrimeFaces.widget.MorpheusMenu = PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidget.extend({
Please change PrimeFaces.widget.Morpheus with new one.