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Data table with edit and frozen cuts the dropdowns

Posted: 09 Jun 2021, 21:30
by jibarra
Hello everybody

I am implementing a datatable with the edit functionality. Also the first 5 columns are fixed by frozen.

By clicking on the elements of the table we show different types of dropdowns but they are cut if they exceed the limits of the table


After several tests you can solve the dropdowns problem by adding the following line to my css:

Code: Select all

.p-datatable-scrollable-body {
overflow: visible! important;
The problem is that if I do this I lose the frozen of the table and it becomes a common table.

Is there a way to have the table with fixed columns without this affecting the dropdowns?

thanks for your help

Re: Data table with edit and frozen cuts the dropdowns

Posted: 16 Jun 2021, 13:10
by mert.sincan

Please try the latest PrimeReact version. If problem persists, please add appendTo={document.body} to MultiSelect component.

Best Regards,