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p-fileUpload upload.php not found

Posted: 21 Dec 2022, 10:12
by tsturgay

I would like to use p-fileupload. I copied necessary codes. but it did not work. When I reviewed console, it gave "upload.php not found" error.

How can I use this p-fileUpload ?

Thank you for helping.

Re: p-fileUpload upload.php not found

Posted: 22 Dec 2022, 10:58
by seymagullu

We'll check and get back to you.


Re: p-fileUpload upload.php not found

Posted: 27 Dec 2022, 08:46
by seymagullu

import {FileUploadModule} from 'primeng/fileupload';
import {HttpClientModule} from '@angular/common/http';

Please import it. You can then copy and paste it.


Re: p-fileUpload upload.php not found

Posted: 29 Jan 2023, 08:59
by tsturgay

Actually, I already tried.

But still did not work.

And also there is " <?php echo '<p>Fake Upload Process</p>'; ?> " element in upload.php file.

maybe problem source is by this situation

Re: p-fileUpload upload.php not found

Posted: 31 Jan 2023, 09:40
by cetincakiroglu

Couldn't replicate the issue with the latest version (v15) of Atlantis.
On the other side, upload.php is just a dummy server to perform the fake upload, you shouldn't use it in your project.