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Menu ignores query parameter

Posted: 23 Mar 2023, 00:27
by s4p-gmbh
I have an application where some menu entries (second level sub menu) only differ in the query parameter of the URL.
For example:

Link 1: http://localhost/my-application/list.xhtml
Link 2: http://localhost/my-application/list.xhtml?type=opened
Link 3: http://localhost/my-application/list.xhtml?type=closed

With the default layout.js all three menu entries are highlighted as active. I added a workaround for this, which was now overwritten when I upgraded to version 5.1.0. So now I added my workaround again. Can you add a proper fix for this so that I do not always need to apply my workaround?
This is the part of my layout.js that fixes it for two levels:

Code: Select all

restoreMenuState: function() {
		var $this = this;

		if (!this.isSlim() && !this.wrapper.hasClass('menu-layout-horizontal')) {

            var linkList ='a[href^="' + this.cfg.pathname + '"]');
            if (linkList.length) {
                let urlParams =;
                linkList.each(function(_i, linkItem) {
                    let setActive = true;
                    let link = $(linkItem);
                    let href = link.attr('href');
                    if (href.includes('?')) {
                        let hrefParams = href.substring(href.lastIndexOf('?'));
                        if (urlParams !== hrefParams) {
                            setActive = false;
                    if (setActive) {
                        let menuitem = link.closest('li');

                        let parentmenu = menuitem.parent('ul');
                        if (parentmenu.length) {
                            // auto-active also for second level menu (s4p)
                            let grandParentMenu = parentmenu.parent('li').parent('ul');
                            if (grandParentMenu.length) {

                        setTimeout(function() {
                        }, 100)

		var inlineProfileCookie = $.cookie('avalon_inlineprofile_expanded');
		if (inlineProfileCookie) {'.profile').addClass('profile-expanded');

Re: Menu ignores query parameter

Posted: 23 Mar 2023, 10:35
by olgubasak

We'll check and get back to you.


Re: Menu ignores query parameter

Posted: 30 Mar 2023, 08:49
by olgubasak
Hi again,

We are aware of the issue. We will review your solution and it will be fixed in the next version.

Best Regards,