Unable to fire an action from subtable column

UI Components for JSF
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21 Jun 2012, 19:19

Hi guys,

we are using primefaces too and the table itself with all its features is quite good. But this issue with the link is really needed in case of drilldown reports. For this it is an essential feature to see the "summary" and drill into the details for the selected line.

It would be great if you could add this functionality - thnx in advance!

regards, Gerd from Austria

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25 Jun 2012, 15:40

I'd also be very interested in a way to track this or a fix.

Maybe this helps someone: For me it is an soultion to use an accordionPanel with nested dataTables instead of dataTables with nested subTables. commandButtons do work inside those.
The code below is for several groups of entities where each entity has a commandButton that calls an void addEntity(Entity entity) action.

Code: Select all

<h:form id="testForm">
	<prime:accordionPanel id="testComp" value="#{entityGroupDAO.all}" var="entityGroup">
		<prime:tab title="#{entityGroup.name}">
			<prime:dataTable id="entityTable" var="entity" value="#{entityGroup.entitiesAsList}">
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11 Jul 2012, 20:57

koma wrote:I'd also be very interested in a way to track this or a fix.
Hello im trying something like you, did you solve the problem? could you help me?(Im using an p:datalist instead of p:table but it only works with p:table)

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12 Jul 2012, 07:21

I think primefaces has solved this problem by writing their own UIData.
Nilesh N. Mali
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07 Sep 2012, 08:09

optimus.prime wrote:I think Mojarra has a bug with nested uidata components, try with myfaces to see if it fix your issue.
Confirmed. Yes, definitely a Mojarra bug. I had to develop a workaround for this when I was using Mojarra, but after recently migrating from Mojarra 2.1.7 to MyFaces 2.1.8, I remembered this topic, and decided to remove my workaround (for mojarra) and used p:commandLink instead in p:subTable.

It's working great, and this also fixed a bug with the subtable xhtml that I was planning to address today. :)

Prior to today's code change/fix, the h:link and javascript was not working when page was first loaded/rendered before any AJAX updates via p:calendar which filters date (pay period begin and end date). now, p:commandLink works on first-time page load. :)

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07 Sep 2012, 13:06

Thanks for te feedback... I'm going to need something like this in the not so distant future, so knowing it works with myfaces is good knowledge...

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08 Sep 2012, 12:29

kukeltje wrote:Thanks for te feedback... I'm going to need something like this in the not so distant future, so knowing it works with myfaces is good knowledge...
Ronald, I also learned (months ago when I developed the xhtml page with subtable) that datatable paginator does not work as designed (or well) with subtable, that is why, i added selectOneMenu and 2 p:calendar to filter the data on begin/end dates and employee/personnel name, which will allow you to view detailed data for single employee.

And as my father says, don't change anything about this (payroll) page, he loves it just the way it is right now!

So, i'm about to develop another page where endusers can scan audit trail data, and I'm thinking of doing the same thing, sort audit trail data (for purchase orders) in DESCENDING order, group by purchase order, use 2 p:calendar and selectOneMenu (list purchase orders filtered by begin/end date just like i did with list of employees for payroll begin/end dates) to filter data (via arguments to JPA). Audit Trail data is HUGE, and I could have used lazyDataModel for a QUICK FIX to meet the requirement, but subtable would be a nice bell-n-whistle, a really nice way to present the data, and I have code that I can reuse (somewhat) to meet the requirement. Oh, I will add View commandlink in subtable group header, since i'm hoping and/or confident that MyFaces will allow for it (since I'm not using Mojarra anymore...smile).

PrimeFaces 6.0, Extensions 6.0.0, Push (Atmosphere 2.4.0)
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08 Sep 2012, 20:51

FINISHED! I'll share the xhtml only. Everything that I mentioned, in previous post above, is working as designed. This time, I added p:commandLink to f:facet header of subtable, and that's working as expected since I'm currently using MyFaces 2.1.8. :) The only thing left to do is to copy/paste my p:layout that I've used in other pages, so I can have north and center layoutUnits on this page, since auditTrail data is HUGE. I don't have paginator and i'm NOT going to use paginator; as I stated in my previous post above.

Code: Select all

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> 
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
        <h:form id="auditTrailForm">
            <ui:include src="/pf_ajaxStatus.xhtml"/>

            <p:messages id="formMessages" showDetail="true" showSummary="false" />

            <p:panel id="auditTrailPanel" styleClass="panel-title-centeralign" header="AUDIT TRAIL">
                <h:panelGroup layout="block" style="width: 100% !important; text-align: center !important;" >
                    <h:panelGrid columns="2" width="100%" style="text-align: center !important;" >
                        <h:panelGrid columns="2">
                            <h:outputText value="Order" />
                            <h:selectOneMenu id="filterOrderId" value="#{pf_ordersController.filterOrderId}">
                                <f:selectItem itemLabel="#{pf_ordersController.selectOneFilterOrderId}" itemValue="0" />
                                <f:selectItems value="#{pf_ordersController.selectOneOrderForAuditTrail}"
                                               var="selectOneOrder" itemLabelEscaped="false"
                                <p:ajax partialSubmit="true" listener="#{pf_ordersController.filterOrderIdSelected()}" update=":pageContentPanel"/>
                        <h:outputText escape="false" value="&nbsp;"/>
                        <h:panelGrid columns="2">
                            <h:outputText value="Older date:" />
                            <p:calendar id="filterTripDateFrom" value="#{pf_ordersController.filterTripDateFrom}"
                                        mode="popup" showOn="button" navigator="true" effect="fadeIn" pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" size="12">
                                <p:ajax partialSubmit="true" event="dateSelect" listener="#{pf_ordersController.filterTripDateFromSelected}" update=":pageContentPanel" />
                        <h:panelGrid columns="2">
                            <h:outputText value="Most recent date:" />
                            <p:calendar id="filterTripDateTo" value="#{pf_ordersController.filterTripDateTo}"
                                        mode="popup" showOn="button" navigator="true" effect="fadeIn" pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" size="12">
                                <p:ajax partialSubmit="true" event="dateSelect" listener="#{pf_ordersController.filterTripDateToSelected}" update=":pageContentPanel" />
                <h:inputHidden id="viewOrderId" value="#{pf_ordersController.selectedOrderId}" />
                <p:dataTable id="auditTrailDataTable" var="order"
                             style="font-size: 85% !important;">
                    <p:columnGroup type="header">
                            <p:column colspan="3" headerText="Order"/>

                            <p:column headerText="Date/Time" />
                            <p:column headerText="User Name" />
                            <p:column headerText="Description" />
                    <p:subTable var="auditTrail" value="#{order.auditTrailList}">

                        <f:facet name="header">
                            <p:commandLink update=":pageContentPanel"
                                           onstart="document.getElementById('auditTrailForm:viewOrderId').value = #{order.order.orderId};"
                                <h:outputText escape="false"
                                              value="#{order.rowNumber} of #{pf_ordersController.auditTrailList.size()}: #{order.orderTitle} #{order.auditTrailList.size()} row(s)"/>

                            <h:outputText escape="false" value="#{auditTrail.auditTrailDt}">
                                <f:convertDateTime pattern="MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a" />

                            <h:outputText escape="false" value="#{auditTrail.userName.userName}" />

                            <h:outputText escape="false" value="#{pf_auditTrailController.getNotesDisplay(auditTrail.descriptionTx)}" />


                    <p:columnGroup type="footer">
                            <p:column headerText="Date/Time" />
                            <p:column headerText="User Name" />
                            <p:column headerText="Description" />
                            <p:column colspan="3" headerText="Order"/>


            <p:outputPanel layout="block" style="display: none !important">
                <p:commandButton id="btnFilter" value="Filter" update=":pageContentPanel"
            <p:defaultCommand target=":auditTrailForm:btnFilter"/>

Edit: Oh, I did recognize that my footer columnGroup is not displaying for whatever reason.
Last edited by smithh032772 on 17 Sep 2012, 03:10, edited 1 time in total.

PrimeFaces 6.0, Extensions 6.0.0, Push (Atmosphere 2.4.0)
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17 Sep 2012, 03:10

I created another page which is to document employee (travel) expenses, but we call it "Driver Money" instead. This xhtml page contains p:dataTable p:subTable as well, and I wanted to document my experience/findings here.

Anyway, to meet a requirement requested by one of my brothers, I added a Paid Yes/No (selectOneMenu) and paid date (p:calendar). To duplicate behavior as on other existing pages, when Paid yes/no is (selectOneMenu) is changed by enduser, then paid date will be defaulted to current date or set to Null (if paid = No), and then is done via an AJAX request/update. That worked fine, but that was too much work for the target enduser which would use the page more than anyone else would, so I removed the selectOneMenu and p:calendar, also because of issues I had with 'java double comparison' (if expense money > 0.0, etc...). anyway, the selectOneMenu p:ajax successfully called bean method.

Hmmm, i cannot remember... i had an issue adding some type of p:commandLink or p:ajax that seemed as though it never called the bean for whatever reason, and I think it was the selectOneMenu that I mentioned in the previous paragraph above. BUT, there is a p:commandLInk on every row to re-calculate totals per row, enduser click on the Totals hyperlink, and totals for that row will be updated via AJAX (p:commandLink).

Below is the xhtml for this page, and all is working well. View p:commandLInk in f:facet header and p:commandLink in each row (for calculating row total).

Code: Select all

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> 
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
        <h:form id="driverMoneyForm">
            <ui:include src="/pf_ajaxStatus.xhtml"/>

            <p:growl id="formMessages" showDetail="true" showSummary="false" />

            <p:layout style="position: absolute; top: 0px; bottom: 5px; left: 5px; right: 5px; overflow: auto;">

                <p:layoutUnit position="north" size="160">

                    <p:panel id="browseDriverMoneyPanel" styleClass="panel-title-centeralign" header="DRIVER MONEY">

                        <h:panelGrid columns="2" cellspacing="1">
                            <h:outputText value="Order:" />
                            <h:selectOneMenu id="filterOrderId" value="#{pf_ordersController.filterOrderId}">
                                <f:selectItem itemLabel="#{pf_ordersController.selectOneFilterOrderId}" itemValue="0" />
                                <f:selectItems value="#{pf_ordersController.selectOneOrderForDriverMoney}"
                                               var="selectOneOrder" itemLabelEscaped="false"
                                <p:ajax partialSubmit="true" listener="#{pf_ordersController.filterOrderIdSelected()}" update=":pageContentPanel"/>
                        <h:panelGroup layout="block" style="width: 100% !important; text-align: center !important;" >
                            <h:panelGrid columns="4" width="100%" style="text-align: center !important;" >
                                <h:panelGrid columns="2" cellspacing="1">
                                    <h:outputText value="Driver:" />
                                    <h:selectOneMenu id="filterDriver" value="#{pf_ordersController.filterDriver}">
                                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="#{pf_ordersController.selectOneFilterDriver}" itemValue="0" />
                                        <f:selectItems value="#{pf_ordersController.selectOneDriverForPayrollAndDriverMoney}"
                                                       var="selectOneDriver" itemLabel="#{selectOneDriver.driverName}" itemValue="#{selectOneDriver.driverId}"/>
                                        <p:ajax partialSubmit="true" listener="#{pf_ordersController.filterDriverSelected()}" update=":pageContentPanel"/>
                                <h:panelGrid columns="2" cellspacing="1">
                                    <h:outputText value="Trip Date FROM:" />
                                    <p:inputText id="filterTripDateFromOnMobile"
                                                 label="Trip Date FROM" type="date"
                                                 rendered="#{pf_usersController.loggedInViaAndroid == 'Y'}">
                                        <f:convertDateTime pattern="yyyy-MM-dd" />
                                        <p:ajax partialSubmit="false" update=":pageContentPanel"
                                    <p:calendar id="filterTripDateFrom" value="#{pf_ordersController.filterTripDateFrom}"
                                                mode="popup" showOn="button" navigator="true" effect="fadeIn"
                                                pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" size="12"
                                                rendered="#{pf_usersController.loggedInViaAndroid == 'N'}">
                                        <p:ajax partialSubmit="true" event="dateSelect" listener="#{pf_ordersController.filterTripDateFromSelected}" update=":pageContentPanel" />
                                <h:panelGrid columns="2">
                                    <h:outputText value="Trip Date TO:" />
                                    <p:inputText id="filterTripDateToOnMobile"
                                                 label="Trip Date TO" type="date"
                                                 rendered="#{pf_usersController.loggedInViaAndroid == 'Y'}">
                                        <f:convertDateTime pattern="yyyy-MM-dd" />
                                        <p:ajax partialSubmit="false" update=":pageContentPanel"
                                    <p:calendar id="filterTripDateTo" value="#{pf_ordersController.filterTripDateTo}"
                                                mode="popup" showOn="button" navigator="true" effect="fadeIn"
                                                pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" size="12"
                                                rendered="#{pf_usersController.loggedInViaAndroid == 'N'}">
                                        <p:ajax partialSubmit="true" event="dateSelect" listener="#{pf_ordersController.filterTripDateToSelected}" update=":pageContentPanel" />
                                    <p:commandLink value="Save changes" update=":pageContentPanel"



                <p:layoutUnit position="center">

                    <h:inputHidden id="viewOrderId" value="#{pf_ordersController.selectedOrderId}" />

                    <p:dataTable id="driverMoneyDataTable" var="order"
                                 style="font-size: 75% !important;">

                        <p:columnGroup type="header">
                                <p:column headerText="Order"/>
                                <p:column colspan="9" headerText=""/>

                                <p:column headerText="" />
                                <p:column headerText="Name" />
                                <p:column headerText="Begin/End" />
                                <p:column headerText="Layovers" />
                                <p:column headerText="Parking" />
                                <p:column headerText="Permits" />
                                <p:column headerText="Tolls" />
                                <p:column headerText="Meals" />
                                <p:column headerText="Gratuity" />
                                <p:column headerText="Total Cash" />

                        <p:subTable var="orderDriver" value="#{order.orderDrivers}">

                            <f:facet name="header">
                                <p:commandLink value="View" update=":pageContentPanel"
                                               onstart="document.getElementById('driverMoneyForm:viewOrderId').value = #{order.orderId};"
                                <h:outputText escape="false" value="&nbsp; | &nbsp;"/>
                                <h:outputText escape="false"
                                              value="#{order.rowNumber} of #{pf_ordersController.driverMoneyOrderList.size()}: #{order.orderTitle} #{order.orderDrivers.size()} row(s)"/>

                            <p:column style="text-align: left !important;">
                                <h:outputText value="#{orderDriver.orderCostDetails.serviceAbbr}#{orderDriver.orderCostDetails.nbrOfPassengers}" />
                                <h:outputText value="#{orderDriver.driver.driverName}" />
                                <h:outputText escape="false"
                                              value="#{pf_ordersController.getTripDateDisplay(orderDriver.beginDate, orderDriver.endDate, true, true, true)}"/>
                                <p:inputText size="7" styleClass="number_alignright"
                                            label="Layovers" value="#{orderDriver.layovers}">
                                    <f:convertNumber minFractionDigits="2"/>
                                <p:inputText size="7" styleClass="number_alignright"
                                            label="Parking" value="#{orderDriver.parking}">
                                    <f:convertNumber minFractionDigits="2"/>
                                <p:inputText size="7" styleClass="number_alignright"
                                            label="Permits" value="#{orderDriver.permits}">
                                    <f:convertNumber minFractionDigits="2"/>
                                <p:inputText size="7" styleClass="number_alignright"
                                            label="Tolls" value="#{orderDriver.tolls}">
                                    <f:convertNumber minFractionDigits="2"/>
                                <p:inputText size="7" styleClass="number_alignright"
                                            label="Meals" value="#{orderDriver.meals}">
                                    <f:convertNumber minFractionDigits="2"/>
                                <p:inputText size="7" styleClass="number_alignright"
                                            label="Gratuity" value="#{orderDriver.gratuity}">
                                    <f:convertNumber minFractionDigits="2"/>
                            <p:column style="text-align: right !important;">
                                <p:commandLink title="Click # to update value."
                                               partialSubmit="false" update=":pageContentPanel">
                                    <h:outputText value="#{pf_ordersController.getOrderDriverTotalCash(orderDriver)}">
                                        <f:convertNumber minFractionDigits="2" type="currency"/>


                        <p:columnGroup type="footer">
                                <p:column headerText="" />
                                <p:column headerText="Name" />
                                <p:column headerText="Begin/End" />
                                <p:column headerText="Layovers" />
                                <p:column headerText="Parking" />
                                <p:column headerText="Permits" />
                                <p:column headerText="Tolls" />
                                <p:column headerText="Meals" />
                                <p:column headerText="Gratuity" />
                                <p:column headerText="Total Cash" />

                                <p:column headerText="Order"/>
                                <p:column colspan="9" headerText=""/>





Oh, I did recognize that my footer columnGroup is not displaying for whatever reason.

PrimeFaces 6.0, Extensions 6.0.0, Push (Atmosphere 2.4.0)
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18 Jun 2014, 14:49

Hi Cagatay,

action is not getting called when i try to use it for commandLink in p:rowExpansion - this row expansion is in the datatable

Please find the code i used below


<p:panelGrid columns="1" style="width:100%">

<f:facet name="header">
<p:panelGrid columns="3" style="width:100%">
<p:outputLabel value="#{bibliography.shortProductNames}"
title="#{bibliography.productNames}" />
value="#{bibliographyListingManagedBean.classificationDecode[bibliography.documentClassification]}" />
<p:outputLabel value="#{bibliography.pubDate}" />
<p:graphicImage id="downloadAttachment"
rendered="#{bibliography.viewPDFFlag}" />
<f:param id="recordIdtoDownloadAttachment"
name="recordIdtoDownloadAttachment" value="#{bibliography.recordId}" />

Can you please give me a solution for this.?? Please.. Thanks in advance
Sameer K

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