Feedback for NetBeans

UI Components for JSF
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17 Oct 2012, 21:55

Productivity is (imo)
- Code completion (css, attributes, EL, CDI beans, entities, jsf/facelets)
- Validation (css, attributes, CDI beans, entities jsf/facelets)
- Code navigation (ctrl-click)
- Hot deployment on a running server
- etc..

That is something that happens day in day out. Generating crud apps based on a database is nice, but having the entities generated, and maybe some controller is more then enough. The UI stuff is most of the time not what you want and changing things is almost as much work as starting from scratch.

Keeping an IDE up to date with the often improving and chaning components AND having al of the above IN the graphical design part is SOOOO difficult that it is not worth the effort of at least the Primefaces Team. (Not even JBoss has a full graphical IDE for their richfaces components afaik and not sure about Oracle.)

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17 Oct 2012, 23:12

Visual editor is only good to sell the product to managers.

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18 Oct 2012, 00:48

I hope you will agree with me that the support for Expression Language in JSF must be improved. Here are the problems I encountered:

Expression Language code completion feature in Netbeans for JSF always suggest parameters for method expressions (or empty parentheses if the method has zero paremeters).
For example, If I have a class called Bean and a method with signature public List suggest(String s) then Netbeans complete the EL like #{bean.suggest(s)}

As you can see, I have to remove the parentheses and the suggested parameters because if I dont then the code will not run.
In the previous example, i have to edit the code to #{bean.suggest}

But when I remove it, then I have two problems:
· Code navigation (Ctrl + click on the method expression) will not navigate to the source code
· Method Refactoring in source code will not apply in the method expressions

Does anyone has the same problem?
PrimeFaces 4.0 | Extensions 1.1.0 | GlassFish 4.0 | Mojarra 2.2.4 | NetBeans 7.3.1

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18 Oct 2012, 09:44

arturo wrote:I hope you will agree with me that the support for Expression Language in JSF must be improved. Here are the problems I encountered:

Expression Language code completion feature in Netbeans for JSF always suggest parameters for method expressions (or empty parentheses if the method has zero paremeters).
For example, If I have a class called Bean and a method with signature public List suggest(String s) then Netbeans complete the EL like #{bean.suggest(s)}

As you can see, I have to remove the parentheses and the suggested parameters because if I dont then the code will not run.
In the previous example, i have to edit the code to #{bean.suggest}

But when I remove it, then I have two problems:
· Code navigation (Ctrl + click on the method expression) will not navigate to the source code
· Method Refactoring in source code will not apply in the method expressions

Does anyone has the same problem?
These are issues to do with NetBeans itself and has nothing to do with PrimeFaces support in NetBeans.
PF 4.x (Elite versions), PF 5, Pf 5.1, PF 6.0
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18 Oct 2012, 09:49

NetBeans Team is very friendly and always look for ways to improve the tooling in NetBeans. Try posting this in NetBeans tracker and let's see their response. They are watching this post as well.

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27 Mar 2014, 16:35

Visual editor is only good to sell the product to managers.
There are actually 3 really good reasons for a Visual Editor, and that is one of them.

Thousands of technical leads getting a manager to buy-in to Primefaces rather than Struts and JQuery/JQueryUI would be great for Primefaces. Most project managers were either bad VB programmers or old-school Java Servlet/JSP guys who rose to the rank of manager and stopped paying attention to the framework landscape. They often here "JSF" or "...faces" and think of either a blundered JSF 1.x project from 2005 or have heard the perception that JSF sucks from it's 1.x days.

The other two major benefits to the modern developer:

1) Helps reduce number of compile and deploy cycles to get the layout right.
2) Allows for rapid prototyping.

Prototyping is a critical part of a small web development department's operations. Currently we use Balsamiq, get approval from Marketing or the business' product owner, and then start re-doing the layout in code. If the prototype were done with Primefaces tags, then the project would have to be Primefaces.

The whole goal here is to increase adoption of Primefaces, and I feel that a visual design tool would go a long way.

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28 Mar 2014, 14:18

The effort involved to provide what, in essence, amounts to rapid prototyping or wire-framing for PrimeFaces based UIs isn't justified.

Trying to sell something like this on the basis that you can rapidly produce PrimeFaces based UIs to "sell" to Product and Project Managers is actually self-deluding.
What you are in fact selling is the look and feel of an application and not the functionality that any UI framework will give you.
You are not going to be able to use a Visual Designer on its own to produce quality, fully functional, UIs and their value in prototyping is, at best, questionable.

Producing L&F prototypes is the province of web designers not JSF developers.
Because you have the ability to create PrimeFaces themes it is far easier to fit PrimeFaces to a custom theme than it is to use PrimeFaces to create prototype UIs.
As an adjunct, or result, of this there should be no guess work when it comes to building the real UI if the web designers have done their jobs and given you all the necessary CSS you need.
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28 Mar 2014, 14:20

What would be really helpful is if NetBeans could provide things like intellisense for ajax behaviours depending on the component.
I am currently working on a small project that produces this as documentation however I would much prefer to have NetBeans do this heavy lifting for me.
PF 4.x (Elite versions), PF 5, Pf 5.1, PF 6.0
Glassfish 4.1, Mojarra 2.x, Java 8, Payara 4.1.1.
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