A few questions for a better understanding

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Posts: 9
Joined: 08 Mar 2023, 12:13

20 Jul 2023, 16:14

Hi Woof,

I started to experiment with the ui kit and got some questions. I want to better understand the logic behind your system.

1. Why is the purpose of the different surface colors not documented in https://www.primefaces.org/designer/api ... es/12.0.0/
2. Some colors in the figma ui kit 2.0 deviate from the default primeone color palette. For example, where does #eff3f8 of surface-ground style come from? in the sass #f8f9fa is used for primeone light.
3. How to style and underline conventional hyperlinks according to the primeone light theme with the prebuilt styles?
4. Why do some components have different names compared to the official showcase and documentation (eg. inputswitch versus ToggleSwitch, radiobutton versus selectOneRadio)?
5. Why does inputswitch not offer a label just like radiobutton does?


Posts: 9
Joined: 08 Mar 2023, 12:13

20 Jul 2023, 16:35

I forgot the most important issue:

The inputtext component is missing very important variants for Float Label = TRUE:
After the user entered a value and the focus is lost, in this default state there should be a floating label (similar to State = Focus, but without focus indicator etc.).
All of these variants are missing. i know that the text subcomponent can be swapped from placeholder to text etc., but this does not lead to the proper floating label.

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24 Jul 2023, 15:43

gepardec wrote:
20 Jul 2023, 16:14
Hi Woof,

I started to experiment with the ui kit and got some questions. I want to better understand the logic behind your system.

1. Why is the purpose of the different surface colors not documented in https://www.primefaces.org/designer/api ... es/12.0.0/
2. Some colors in the figma ui kit 2.0 deviate from the default primeone color palette. For example, where does #eff3f8 of surface-ground style come from? in the sass #f8f9fa is used for primeone light.
3. How to style and underline conventional hyperlinks according to the primeone light theme with the prebuilt styles?
4. Why do some components have different names compared to the official showcase and documentation (eg. inputswitch versus ToggleSwitch, radiobutton versus selectOneRadio)?
5. Why does inputswitch not offer a label just like radiobutton does?


1. Surface colors are defined on the core and documented on the Colors page of showcases: https://primeng.org/colors (for NG).
2. I didn't fully understand your confusion about the color usages. surface-ground is defined on root part of Theme's _variables.scss: https://github.com/primefaces/primeng-s ... .scss#L834
3. It should be a link variation of the button, but it's missing for now. We have noted this for the next releases. Thanks for reporting.
4. The UI Kit uses the naming convention of PrimeNG. You're probably comparing them with PrimeFaces components, which have older namings.
5. Because, it follows the implementation. Please check the demos: https://primeng.org/inputswitch and https://primeng.org/radiobutton

Best regards,

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24 Jul 2023, 15:45

gepardec wrote:
20 Jul 2023, 16:35
I forgot the most important issue:

The inputtext component is missing very important variants for Float Label = TRUE:
After the user entered a value and the focus is lost, in this default state there should be a floating label (similar to State = Focus, but without focus indicator etc.).
All of these variants are missing. i know that the text subcomponent can be swapped from placeholder to text etc., but this does not lead to the proper floating label.
Thanks for reporting. We'll consider adding a new state to InputText for the next release to solve this.

Best regards,

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