RequestContext.getCurrentInstance() gives null

UI Components for JSF
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13 May 2011, 18:16

RequestContext.getCurrentInstance() gives null . Any Idea?
Glassfish V3.1.1,Mojarra 2.1.2, PrimeFaces-3.0RC1

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13 May 2011, 22:53

I think that only if it started from an Ajax call you will get a value.

The function in the bean was started from a listener? So, perhaps use an attribute ajax="true".

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13 May 2011, 23:07

RequestContext is available to ajax requests only.

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14 May 2011, 17:38

yes its an ajax request. I wrote the statement inside the action method of p:commandButton
I am using weld by the way... does that have any issues?
Glassfish V3.1.1,Mojarra 2.1.2, PrimeFaces-3.0RC1

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16 Jul 2011, 10:11


I can observe the same behavior on my components.
But this is not all the times.
Sometimes it works.

When I track the issue with Firebug, I can see that in the wrong cases, the Ajax request is duplicated.
I haven't any solution yet.


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06 Dec 2012, 17:35


I dig out this topic because I observed the same behavior but only with IE8.
Sometimes it work, and sometimes not.

And as the previous comment, I can observe that Ajax request is sent twice.
The first sent in fact works correctly, but the second have the RequestContext null.
Is there a fix for this problem?

PF v3.2, PF ext v0.5.1, Tomcat 6.0.35

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06 Dec 2012, 17:43

Michmich974 wrote:Hello,

I dig out this topic because I observed the same behavior but only with IE8.
Sometimes it work, and sometimes not.

And as the previous comment, I can observe that Ajax request is sent twice.
The first sent in fact works correctly, but the second have the RequestContext null.
Is there a fix for this problem?

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Your question also has no Request Context but not because it is not an AJAX request but because you broke the rules and provided no information which could possibly lead to a solution. Post any question you have in its own thread and don't forget to do what the rules tell you to.
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