Using the visual editor with my custom theme

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Posts: 1
Joined: 23 Jul 2021, 13:57

25 Jul 2021, 19:28


I am getting started with PrimeVue Theme Designer, both with the API (code) and the visual editor. I see that when I use the visual editor, it sends the variables to a server and that the theme is compiled there. Is that the only way to work? My target use case is to be able to use the visual editor with my own theme, but I am not sure that this is possible. I have done the following:
  • created a folder under /src/themes/xx-theme (I copied the entire arya-blue folder for a first test)
  • created a xx_theme.json file under /public/editor (I copied the primeone_dark.json file)
  • added a div in the AppIntro.vue file, to add an icon supposed to use my xx-theme
When I click on this icon, I see a POST request, but get a 500 back (not surprising, since your server does not know about my theme-xx folder).

Any workaround?

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Joined: 05 Jan 2009, 00:21
Location: Cybertron

03 Aug 2021, 16:45

At the moment, it is not possible to use Visual Editor to build custom themes, but we have plans to enhance it where you'll be able to upload your custom theme.

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